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greetings to all I imagine you already saw the new acquisition in my "open" gallery, it is for you, you can "baptize" her, choose how to dress her, how to train her and decide her fate. Soon I'll start working on the character, so if you have any interesting ideas that you want to see, this is a good time. Thanks to all, I really appreciate your support. (now I'll try use google translator to write in japanese, I really hope I don't say something too weird) すべてへの挨拶 あなたはすでに私の「オープン」ギャラリーで新しい買収を見たと思いますが、それはあなたのためです、あなたはそれを「バプテスマ」することができます。 すぐにキャラクターの作業を開始しますので、もしあなたが見たい面白いアイデアがあれば、これは良い時間です。 すべてのおかげで、あなたのサポートに本当に感謝しています。




Her little black dress makes me hard as FUCK

Evil Boogeyman

Even the youngest ones like to show themselves as soon as they have the slightest opportunity


Fuuuck, I love that. If I could, I'd write "Supreme Jailbait" on her chest, especially on the youngest ones. Same with writing "2young4preggo" on their bodies.


So here are some of my ideas: Outfit: I think something cute. Like dress her up like a little girl? Some frilly panties and hair in pigtails? To really upset her, maybe abduct her mother and little sister too? Make her realise her family is also kidnapped and no one is coming to save her. Also if she is afraid of the dark, maybe a blindfold?