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ダンジョンに入る手順のもうひとつは、徹底的な健康チェックだ!これにはかなり時間がかかり、訓練生は長時間しゃがむなど、かなり不快なポーズをとらされる。それだけでもかなり痛むのだが、この後すぐに最初のトレーニングが始まるので、休む暇はない!ダンジョンへようこそ Another part of the dungeon entrance procedure is an extensive health check! This can take quite a while and the trainees are stuck in quite uncomfortable poses, such as squatting for prolonged periods of time. They’re usually left quite sore from this alone, however there’s no time to rest as the first training session usually begins right after! Welcome to the dungeon~



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