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Happy new year! Sorry couldn’t get the dakimakura drawing finish before end of year, but hopefully I should be able to finish it soon… Just need some more time to draw the outfit and the extra stuff… Quite a lot of shit happen this year… Like unfriending someone who I know for over 10 years, moving house, tablet almost died… Won’t bored you guys with the boring stuff… Anyway, here is the 2021 art summary!ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ Sigh… looking back, 2021 has so few drawings… be it because of art block, depression, my perfectionist nature, or simply the fact the difficult of the drawings are higher, the amount of drawings in my folder is kinda depressing to look at… (´;A;`) Since I am reaching the end of my drawing list, this means I will finally have to face the most difficult ideas that I keep neglecting… Stuff like the “Shinano Nyotaimori”, “Vacation Lane”, “Eula JackOchallenge” and “Unicorn snowman” are definitely the most difficult drawings from this year… It makes me feel quite proud able finished it with the quality that I am happy with, overall I am quite happy with the drawings I manage to complete this year~ Let me know which drawing is your favourite from 2021~!!(/^▽^)/ Here, I thank every one of you for sticking around, supporting the useless me to let me continue my little artist dream. My self-doubt and depression has got really bad this year, but thanks to you guys it gave me motivations to continue making more art. This means so much to me, and I really hope you guys all have a great new year, and hopefully my remaining works won’t fail your expectation as well. ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) Been saying it for years, but this time I truly reach the end of my list now. I will continue giving it all my best, hopefully leaving behind drawings that hentai peeps will remember me for… haha XD Anyway thanks again for your continuous support! ~ m(_ _)m




🎍明けましておめでとうございます🎍 今年もよろしくお願いします(≧∀≦)


I like the ayanami drawing the most, among the 12 pics shown. i look forward to more drawings from u ah.


あけましておめでとう! こちらこそ今年もよろしくお願いいたします~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


ah I see~ that one was a lot of fun to draw~~ Thank you for your comment(≡^∇^≡)