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I have to admit, in recent months my confidence has been pretty low… causing low motivation in drawing etc… But I really can’t let this affect me so much since I don’t have a lot of time left to draw… and so, seeing how many of you guys liked this sketch, I thought I should just work on this and hopefully gain a bit confidence back when I finish this drawing. I have been lining this drawing for ages last week, and now that I done some of those doodles, I am going to work on the colouring for this drawing next!~ Hopefully will finish this soon~ Hope you guys are excited on this one~




I’m really glad you decided to work on this more! really saddens me to keep thinking about it but do you have a date in mind when you’ll stop drawing?


Cant wait for this big project to be finished XD so many characters to color. all the best


I dont have a date in mind, but I have a list of drawings I need to finish before I stop, and I am planning to post this list in a few days from now (゚⊿゚)