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分頁: https://sta.sh/213qxiskdkwc 朋友的委託畫。 呀...終於完成這張圖了...比預定用多了4日呢...沒想到轉眼間我一月沒有完成新圖了… 速度這麼慢真的對不起呢,最近心情不太好沒多作畫動力...(其實也是因為在忙FGO刷箱...) 這圖有些難畫呢...我很努力的把所有畫出來,希望看上去沒問題吧>A< anyway,希望大家喜歡這個> 3 < Commission by a friend Omg… Finally finished this drawing… it’s like 4 days later than I originally planned… Cant believe the last drawing I finished was 1 month ago… Sorry for such slow speed, recently just not really in a good spot in terms of emotion and motivation… (also been no-lifing on FGO so sorry for slow speed.) Struggled quite a bit on this drawing… Really tried my best drawing everything out, hope it looks ok… >A< Anyway, I hope you guys like this one >3<




Absolutely beautiful, you’ve really done tirpitz justice! So many amazing variations too, I really need the full version with her feet when it’s available!


谢谢你的更新! 太色情了,太厉害了