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Hello ^^

Just to inform you that I'm working on the update of the game.

I'm still late due to the cumulate things of this summer but I will try my best to be on track for this month :)

Speaking of the t you can expect the update of the game in a couples of days. friday it's a max.

If you don't want to be spoiled you can stop here :)

Welcome to all new patrons and thank you all for your support :)

See you soon for the realese of the game :)


Spoiler Zone


Ok so this update will introduce a new Zone the beach.

This one is more a Bonus zone and because it's not a zone that loose Claire's influence.

People are enjoying the moment and so Sora can do if she has coin or ticket, tickets that will be obtain by defeat boss (before the final ersion you will have unlimited tikets)

So What I can do with tickets? Acces to the beach :

Sora Can play a mini gameagainst oppenment usin her style to change people clothes, in term of gameplay it's to click in the right place a good amount of time and the CG will transform in the more babyish version.

(the game cocept is really in early so maybe the visul will cahnges but you have the idea.

If you succes 2 :thigs first the girl you oppose will change ex)

second Sora obtain a new swimsuit with a new scene.

All scene lead to tan version (all CG don't have some details (more shinynes on skin and expressions.)

You will have 3 swimsuit and so 3 tan version (I will post then in the end section in the spoiler spoiler zone :))

And if you loose You will be put in a babyish outfit (See in Spoiler spoiler Zone) ofc you can losse multiple times that will go to pee and number two in diaper)

So this is the concept I hope you will like it, Since it's new I'm trying to make everything that I said possible ^^

DOn't hesiate to like this post if you are hype because it's really give me strenght to work on it :)


Spoiler Spoiler Zone




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