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Hello ^^

I'm working hard on the next udpate of the game.

This one will be focus to improve the Ruru game's. You can expect it for this week :)

For the one's who do't care to be spoiled and see the new CG, monsters, events and more you can go to the bottom of the post :)

Welcome to all new patrons and thank you all for your support :)

See you soon for the update of the game :)


Spoiler Zone


In term of adding if everything will alright

2 new events :

- the onsen one :

Will Ruru sucumb to the temptation of this busty blue slime?

- The romper Adult baby girl :

She wants to play doll with Ruru and force a new outfit for her (this event is fixed before the Boosette fight and enter in the modification of the game play that I will explain in the end.

2 mob has been skin remade :

- Pink Slime :

- Green Slime

no changes execpt the graphic.

All 4 new sprite ( Bleu, green, pink Slime and romper baby girls has have been generated by an Ai (Stamble Division) and retouch in Photoshop.

1 new scene after fighting boosette with 12 alts (opend diaper, wet diaper, bib, rattle expressions

I'm really proud of this one, the scene is really naughty :)

- changes to the game that I want to introddduce if everything go alright. ^^

- the % to success an attact will not be determine by your power so you will not be stuck to fail in loop monsters.

- The drop of the key will not be random but after some times spend in the corridors you will face an even (Romper baby girl that will you give the key) if you win you can choose to continue for fun to explore or go directly to Boosette fight if loose or surender go directly Boosette Fight

- The game will ask you if you want to surender if yes go to ending village if not you go to the nursery with a little recover of power. SO you can continu to explore and go to the Boosette fight.

I hope you will like this spoiler :) I'm really exiterd to finish this update ^^




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