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Hello ^^

The 1.0 is finally here !!! 4 years!! 4 years of creation!! THANK YOU!!!

Windows : Mega // Google

Android : Mega // Google


29/09/22 Patch 1.0.2 (Bug corrections)

- Major Bug : After accepting pics of Yuhi from Sofia U get a chance to talk to Yuhi and apply ointment but choose not or use the item game ends in the 2 paths

---> no more dead ends this two paths has been connected to Sofia taking care of you story.

- After accepting coffee with Yuhi (If you have been trough the path where Sofia give you pics) Yuhi was not showing.

---> Yuhi is now showing in her pajamas ^^

- Minors corrections of sentences and scenes to be more consistants.

- People ask if the scene of Young Claire and Sofia are deleted is not the case you have to reach the bonus Zone asn talk to Princess.

Update 1.0.1 (bug corrections)



-Major Bug : You can't acces to new game after completing one time the game.

Corrected : Now the game will ask you if you want to acces to the Bonus Zone if you choose NO the game will launch a new game.

-Minor bug : 3 pathes in the Bonus Zone were broken when you use Valentina to trvel to scene in the game : Corrected.

- People ask if the Restaurant game and the Magician game are still in the game : the answer is YES. (I add a new Spoiler section in the bottom of this post to give some tips to find stuff that are now a little hidden.


This update is focus to enjoy the story from the beginning to the end ^^ :

- Close all the dead ends in the game. 17 pathes that was going to dead end now lead to a path in the game.

- Multiples bugs that can prevents you to see or enjoying the game has been deleted.

- Bonus Zone can be acces after completed the game once. (I add some informations to find Yuhi and Serina path that are major but can be skipped really easly in the game)

-Better graphic choice button.

- Polish the spelling and grammar.


Path and bugs.


This update has been really dificult to make since the game was a patchwork of idea and story ^^ So close the path haven taken a huge amount of time!!

A massive thanks to TheUnknown that help me so much to move to this version of the game!!!

Now you can enjoy the game in a whole so I hardly recommend to test it :) The game don't have lost is multiple path so you can try to rerun and have really different way to go to an ending ^^

--- Bugs report --- Don't hesitate to report bugs can be here, can be on Disocrd, it will help the game to improve :)


Grammar and spelling


For the grammar and spelling I try my best but since Im' french, the text is massive and the tool that I use for the game is not made to extract it a in format that I can correct and after that reinject in the game.

So all correction has been made by hand (with an speeling corrector) but they can still have a lot to corect even if I go to all the files and try my best (It was the most long part and not the most easy for me)

For the style in 4 year I can see that I don't write the same way also some Game helper create they proper story and send me text (Again thank you for your work it's awsome!!) so the game is like a lot of mini story create by a lot of different author.




So first I think there is still a lot of bug the game is massive and with 5 days straigh of work I think there are many that I don't see.

So you can expect a 1.0.1 and maybe more, this update will not count has update that I made for the month so we can Have a 1.0.1 and a new update for Claire Nursery.

Speaking of Claire Nursery, for the ones who don't know it's the sequel of the game

that you can find the last update here Claire's Nursery 0.7 (Windows +Android) Game at the start Claire has to be include in SOfia's Secret but due to my lack of programming knowledge I go for a too massive game that can't be update easly.

Next update for CLaire Nursery beginning of October ^^


Some Numbers


4 years! more than 600 hours on Tyranobuilders to code the game, 8 characters with a lot of alts ,45 base CG with more than 450 pics ^^ I don't know the numbers of words in the game, I think a few^^




Yuhi path is one of the path with a lot of content but can be skipable really easly ^^

If you have trouble find it there is a hint go outside in the first days and refuse to join Sofia, Yuhi will showing ^^

Serina path is also hidden here it's a hint : if Claire propose you a game to find object accept and don't make mistake, when you will take back Sofia with you, you will go to a Café where Serina is the owner ^^

The magician game can be found in the Bonus Zone after completing the game speak with Sofia she will propose you to play the game that she is working on ^^

THe Restaurant game is still here in the Bonus zone after completing the game talk to Serina she will propose you to go it :)





You can expect the Android version for tomorrow.

Welcome to all new patrons and thank you all for your support :)

See you tomorrow for the endroid version :)



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