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こんにちは^^ Helltakerの女の子をフィーチャーした新しいキャプションコミック:) あなたがそれを好きになることを願っています:) よろしくお願いします:) ABDLアートについてはまたお会いしましょう:) 1/ - Illya, what did you do to me and my sister? - Oh a simple little spell. I have to say that you did better than I thought. Look at your sister. 2/ - Illya, I'm sorry I think I'm going to... - Don't restrain yourself, that's why you're wearing a diaper my darling. 3/ - oh yes it's so warm... - You see it's not so difficult, You have so little magic resistance my dear. if only your sister could take example from you. 4/ - Hey what the hell are you doing. - Let's take off these panties it doesn't suit a little girl like you. 5/ - Nuk,nuk (her spell blocks me, I can't lower my arms.) - Babies don't talk back. 6/ - A diaper? - That's better, I don't want you to have a leak on the way. 7/ - Thinking is hard....thi - *Are we really going to go out like this?* - Don't worry I will take you to your new home, this one is really not suitable for two babies. Plus someone is waiting for you. 8/ - Diapee...cold... - this is a kindergarten? I want my home! *And now I'm talking like a little girl* - Baby Rin is angry because she lost her pacifier? You are definitely more resistant than I thought, but it's only temporary. I have a surprise, follow me. 9/ - Illya look, I'm a grown up my training panties are not wet. - That's very good my darling I'm proud of you. 10/ - Not you Saber, you are the most resistant among us, how is that possible? - The Commands Seals are too difficult to explain to the little ones. but as for you it was not easy 11/ - Oh no! I couldn't hold it back, ( giggles ) - Look at her using her training pants she's really enjoying herself. 12/ - I'm sorry Illya I couldn't hold back... - When I see you say that with that smile, I think you're doing it on purpose to get back into diapers. Come on, I'll take care of you and Sakura's diaper won't last another minute. 13/ - And here we are, all clean. Do you like your new outfit, Sakura? - But everyone can see my breasts... 14/ - nuk,nuk - You're adorable and babies aren't modest. 15/ - nuk, nuk - Here's a big diaper for a little baby with a pacifier as a bonus. 16/ - It's time to go playing, look even Rin is smiling, are you happy? - Yes I love to play.(I feel that the spell is affecting me more and more) 17/ - nuk, nuk - I think I'm going to... - Illya!!! Rin is using her diaper. 18/ - Rin is a baby, Rin is a baby. - *Rin is just like us now. - It's so good...I love diapers, there's nothing better!!!! 19/ - Well, what's going on here? - Rin is really a baby look at her diaper, at least mine is clean. - I don't know what happened to me, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose.. - *Gigles* - It doesn't matter, you see that we did well to put you in diapers, I'm going to take care of you. 20/ Goo? Goo goo ga ga? Ga? You are adorable and I wonder when I'm going to make you go back to the way you were before. Hello^^ New caption comics featuring Helltaker girls :) Hope you will like it :) THnak you all for your support :) See you soon for more ABDL art :)



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