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こんにちは コミックのキャプションが完成しました。 気に入っていただけるといいけど :) ご支援ありがとうございます^^ 翻訳用の英語テキスト: 1) -Phew, finally alone... my diaper's all tight in my overalls! Oh, that feels so good. 2) Cathyl what are you doing??!!!! -???!!! 3) -Uh, nothing... I... What do you mean nothing, I was worried and now I find you hiding in the barn and in diapers! ...I didn't know you wanted to be treated like a baby. 4) No, it's just... Ha, but I see you also made yourself a baby bottle of milk. 5) Come on, baby, take your baby bottle, you're really sweet, you should have told me you like this kind of stuff. You'll see, we'll have a lot of fun. 6) Wetting / messing baby bottle / exatis -I just... can't stop myself... -I can see that baby couldn't control herself, but that's normal. That's what diapers are for. 7) * my diaper's so warm it feels so good to be treated like a baby. -Come closer, we're gonna change the little baby, I guess you got some spare stuff, show me. Let's start by taking off those overalls. 8) Nude diaper state -I'm sorry I couldn't control me. -That's okay, but now we're gonna change your diaper. 9) -Now that you're all clean, let's take a walk outside. Mais je vais pas sortir comme ca LEs bébé ne prortes pas 10) outside just in diaper ashamed/ leash -Wow! Look at Cathyl! -But she's naked and in diapers. Girls don't make fun of her. Go take your pacifier, it'll calm you down. -Ha-ha, she looks like a big baby. ...* Mon coeur bat la chamade..q' Les filles ne vous moquez pas d'elle aller prend ta sucette cela va te calmer. 11) outside pacifier Look at oh cutre she is. *Nuk, nuk* I can take care of her if she wants... Can I take her home? --- Hello I just finished the caption comics. I hope you will like it :) THank you all for your support ^^



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