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こんにちは コミックのキャプションが完成しました。 気に入っていただけるといいけど :) ご支援ありがとうございます^^ 翻訳用の英語テキスト: 1/ - If you can beat the game, you can reunite with your friends. Don't rush, you don't have a time limit, but be careful what happens to you in the game has physical and mental repercussions in reality. Are you ready? - Yeah, I agree, I'm really good at video games. Let's do it. 2/ N : Game strating : "You wake up in a princess' room and everything is pink. What do you do? -C'est une sorte de RPG ou je dois retrouver la sortie, Il n'y a pas de compteur de vie donc ca a l'air facile. 3/ N : as you try to open your bedroom door a hook comes out of the ceiling and shatters your skirt. You've fallen into a trap, there's no change of clothes. You're going to have to walk around the dungeon in that outfit. Okay, so it's that kind of game... 4/ You are in a stone corridor and four doors open to you with signs: Duck/ Feeding bottle/ Toilet / Rattle. - Stay focused, this is not a little game that will stop you! And what's with the childish symbols? I'll take the one with the toilet, 5/ A nanny walks up to you and asks if you want to use the potty. - I don't want to. The nanny says, "I see you're not big enough for the potty, so I'll put some protection on you." She pulls out a sweater and puts it on you. -What, but it's not fair. I'm a big girl. 6/ You find yourself in the hallway again, this time you take the door with the bottle. A maid greets you and puts you on a high chair. She takes a bottle and puts it in your mouth. After the second bottle you feel your bladder relax and start to wet your pull-up. - j'espere que je ne suis pas enregistré... 7/ After the maid lets you out, you find yourself in the corridor again, your pull-up is heavy and hanging between your legs. You have to make a choice about wich door to take. - The duck must be a bathroom... Weel I hope I can get a change of clothes. There's a nanny in there checking the state of your sweater ups. She's starting to undress you. "We're going to take a nice bath, little girl, you really need it." Are there really any good choices in this game? 8/ After she cleans you, the Nanny puts a huge white diaper on you. "I can't trust our princess, you must wear a diaper now." And she lets you out. - God, but this diaper's huge... Come on, no choice, there's only one door left... 9/ You enter a nursery but everything is adult-sized/ toys are on the floor. There is an exit sign. Your gaze is drawn to a princess scepter shaped like a rattle. You grab it and start waving it around. - I like this toy... Thinking's getting hard...* Giggles* 10/ You still play inside the nursery not caring anymore about your goal to get out of the dungeon : Game Over - Googoo ga ga. Even the great Nanami couldn't make it... Who is next? ? ----- Hello I just finished the caption comics. I hope you will like it :) THank you all for your support ^^



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