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こんにちは^^ PS5-Chanのキャプションコミックを見つけることができます。 ご協力ありがとうございます :) ----- Hello ^^ You can find the caption comics of PS5-Chan and I hope you will like it :) Thank you for your support :) 翻訳に役立つテキスト: 1/ -Hello, I'm PS5-Chan at your service. Here is the new mod for the PS5 personal avatar. The ABDL mod. Let's have a look at the demo of these last features. Choose underwear : -Panty - Big White Diaper - Big Baby Diaper 2/ -A diaper? Really? I didn't know that feature had been implemented!? You can now put PS-Chan in diapers and even make her want to use the toilet. Use Diaper : - Wetting - Messing 3/ - I can't hold back my... Now you can also change her personality according to your taste. The sentences she will use will depend on her affection for diapers. Diaper Affection : - Dislike - Don't mind - Like - Addict 4/ *giggle* So warm and squishy, I love it!! You can also change her state of mind. Her vocabulary and attitude will adapt depending of your choice. State of mind - Normal - Toddler - Baby - Infant 5/ Can you change my nappy, please? We will change her diaper later But first, you can also customize some part of the body. Let's demonstrate with her breasts. Size of breast Tiny Normal Huge Mega Huge 6/ Wow!! So heavy. *Giggles* You can mix the choices. Let's try to change her diaper and her mental state. Some of you saw the pink baby diaper at the beginning of the presentation, didn't you? 7/ - Goo goo gaga! And now the final feature. Ps5-chan can evolve in different environments Of course, other locations can be added later. Changing locations: -Playstation background - Nursery - Kindergarten 8/ *Nuk, nuk* Add item : pacifier Hope you liked this little demo and that you will think about installing the ABDL mod.



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