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I had a lot of things to do, and my name changed two or three times...but I finally got it finalized today, so I will try my best for the rest of the month. It will be 20 pages including the cover. The story is about a father who uses his daughter as a toilet during walks and parties. https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/76912382

It may be a remake of the "The Last of Us".

The following is like a diary with two or three changes.


In the beginning


I had planned to make a "teacher x student x scatological training" as you can see in the following page. However, it was difficult to make a manga... I thought it would be more interesting to make a collection of illustrations as usual, so I shelved the plan. I have already become a brain that develops and volumizes by using differences, haven't I? I can't seem to master the way of connecting scenes in detail or making drastic changes in a manga....

I've come to think that it might be difficult to publish manga (i.e., participate in events) in the future. I decided to try to put in what I liked and what I could not find anywhere else (low age x ska x hardcore torture), even if the story was a bit crude, and it turned out like the above.

I wondered if it was possible to print and distribute this work, but I thought it would be out of the scope of Dlsite or something like that... Well, if it comes to it, I guess I could cut that part out and just draw JS or something and make a home-made copy of the book and get by somehow. I'm not sure.... Even if you cut out p4~7, it is possible to connect the story... (I was lucky...) p4~7 are just remakes.

If we lost p4~7, it would really be just a remake.

I will do my best for the next month. Especially since I haven't been able to show anything to those who are above the silver banana level this time, I'd like to release some progress by the end of this month....

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



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