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というわけで「メダルの数だけぶっかけられる女の子 2022」もこれにて終了です。今回は中止論とかは特になかったので女の子には応援してもらうようにしました。レートはちょっと多かったですね、冬季最高のメダル数ということなので仕方ないところですが。少ないよりは多い方が良いですし!あとはもっと事前にストーリーとか練っておくと面白くなるのでしょうか…次回の課題にします。




The Olympics are over...

So this is the end of "The Girl Who Gets Bukkake for the Number of Medals 2022". This time I didn't have any particular argument for stopping it, so I asked the girls to cheer for me. I wonder if it would have been more interesting if I'd planned out the text and such beforehand... I'll leave that as an issue for next time.

I'll leave you with the same gif version as last time. It's not as interesting as the last one because of the large amount per time and the reduced diffs... but... I tried my best to make the time lapse of the poop. And... I also drew a bad end diff because I got excited about it. I'll see you in Paris next time.

I'll see you in Paris next time (if this account is still alive...) The next one will be a Parisian loli girl with blonde hair.



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