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https://takibenn.fanbox.cc/posts/3330286 のつづきです。3枚目がfanbox限定です。(4枚目は3枚目の英訳)お腹のぷに具合を求めるあまり、ちょっと胴長になっちゃいました。あとこのアオリ構図の耳下の輪郭ラインが何回挑んでも上手くなりません… ===== https://takibenn.fanbox.cc/posts/3330286 This is a continuation of the above, with the third one being a fanbox exclusive. The third one is a fanbox exclusive (the fourth one is an English translation of the third one). I tried to make the belly look plump, but it turned out to be a little too long. Also, I can't get the contour line below the ears in this aori composition right, no matter how many times I try.



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