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名前は「十時 壱愛(じっときいちあ)」ちゃんです。最初は「一花」「一愛」だったのですがもっとバカっぽそうにしました。変わるかもですが…。

結構生意気な表情になったかなあと思います。ムカつきますね。でもうんちぶっかけられるまであと2ページなのであったかく見守りましょう( ◠ ‿ ◠ )


The character design for my new work has been finalized, so I've started the line drawing for the first page. In my case, the character design is just a rough drawing process.... However, unlike daily drawing, I'm conscious of the fact that it's easy to mass-produce the character, and that it has features that can be easily seen from any angle. The last one, Yona, was a bit of a challenge... Ayana from the Junior Idol series was a good one.

This time, I decided to use a twinted hair style because she is a sassy girl. In my mind, there is a picture of a sassy girl with a twisted hairdo... Of course, there are many girls who don't have such a picture. I think it's a common hairstyle, but this is probably the first time I've drawn it... I've drawn braids and pigtails before, but... I've drawn braids and pigtails before, but I'm trembling now because the cost of drawing it is going to be so high... (I really wanted to add a ribbon, but I can't...) (I really wanted to add a ribbon, but I can't...) I'm having a hard time deciding between a double layer and a single layer.

I'm not sure if it'll show in her body shape or in her dialogue, but I think she'll be the oldest in the series so far, assuming she's around 10 years old. She's not a rape victim, she's just a virgin, so I think she'll be around that age. I'm going to draw a lot of elementary school girls in this work, so my daily drawings are going to be even younger girls... I can already see the effects of that...

My name is "Jittoki Ichia", though it may change...

I think she's got a pretty cocky look to her. She pisses us off, doesn't she? I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be fine. But we're only two pages aw



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