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Back after another mental episode. This time for good I hope! I'll start with the bad news, the Sayuri animation I teased at the start of the month is cancelled due to an unfixable jitter bug that messed up the whole animation around the mouth area. I'll explore an easier angle for Sayuri Blowjob in the future but I need a break from her. Now the good stuff! So first this Amy image started because I wanted to make a new profile picture and I'm liking the scene enough to finish it entirely and also release it instead of stashing it as profile pic! Second is the Tamaki image, I've been told I'm too safe when using Tamaki and when making images in general so I went with a more hot setting with some on-hand action and 2 doods. Finally I might have an idea for a new animation to practice on but will go slow to not lose my mind again.



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