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Hi guys, I'm glad to know that despite being slow, the illustrations continue to support me so that I can continue illustrating for you. Many people have asked me for the ozaru of such a saiyan girl and more with after goko (goku woman), there was someone who asked for the bra and another one from a dbgt scene but with goko. I am writing this because I have internet failures and it may take a while for me to publish for a while, however this weekend I hope to publish yet another preview of the gine ozaru animation, in which the improvement is noticeable. I know that I have many "fanarts" pending and I really appreciate your patience, because I draw in my spare time and I hope to leave my work someday to dedicate myself to this, which really everyone has been very kind. It is almost a year since I debuted with the animation of gine and 2 as a digital draftsman and I have really enjoyed it and I hope to continue this for a long time. I have an original project a comic called half blood or daughter of 4 races in my pixiv If you have not seen it yet, I leave the link here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/68256217 notice it was from my first drawings so it's a little ugly XD I am going to redesign everything and notice that it will have a lot of hentai, transfurm and antrho. Without further ado, I wish you all a good day and thank you for your attention. I hope to publish something new about the Ozaru soon.


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