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Hi guys, as I promised, here's a script of what will be the animation of Pan becoming ozaru. I must clarify that this is a guide that the scenes themselves, when drawing them, some scenes may change.

Scene 1:

A window with the middle moon is focused while zooming out to the camera showing a sleeping pan in its gt suit, the view is focused on the window with the moon. 6 seconds

Scene 2:

View of an eagle in pan room, it hugs the pillow like a teddy. 6 seconds


Suddenly the moon begins to disappear little by little as if it were a lunar eclipse. 6 to 10 seconds

Scene 4:

Focuses pan face looks uncomfortable and begins to sweat and moan. 6 to 10 seconds

Scene 5: view of eagle again and pan stop hugging the pillow and lie on your back sweating a lot while a red light illuminates the room. 4 seconds to 6 seconds

Scene 6 focuses on the window that appears a red moon and the next scene is the dream / dream / 6 seconds

Pan is walking in a dark place, he can't distinguish anything until he bumps into something, it's too dark to see it and tries to touch it for 5 seconds

Scene 7: pan feels like it touches something and that moves 4 seconds

Scene 8: pan back is focused and suddenly giant red eyes appear in front of it causing pan to panic. 3 to 5 seconds

Scene 9: focus on pan in ¾ and it recedes and falls in fear. 3 seconds

Scene 10: scene 8 returns - the eyes rise in front of pan but those eyes are very high for her, the eyes looked at pan and this terrified girl tries to throw a ball of energy but a giant hand catches it and lifts it - 10 seconds (two scenes here)

Scene 11: Pan is brought to the creature's eyes and suddenly the place is removed showing the face of an ozaru and he smiles at her. 3 to 5 seconds

Scene 12: A message appears on the screen saying "Welcome" 3 seconds

Scene 13: - in real life - she focuses on pan lying in sight ¾ in his bed, he is writhing in pain and sweating a lot while some veins swell in his body, pan rotates to fall out of bed -4 seconds

Scene 14: pan falls from the bed is focused view of eagle in his head watching some parts of his room, pan is upside down - 4 seconds

Scene 15: -eagle view ¾ on the back of pan is lifting the buttocks little by little and trembling- 3 seconds

Scene 16: the camera is focused on its buttocks shaking and something bulging wanting to leave until the Saiyan tail appears tearing its pants, -3 to 6 seconds

Scene 17: pan roars like ozaru without transforming or groans, looking like they caught it with a lot of sweat on his face, and in that he calms down after a few seconds. Then pan falls unconscious sleeping again - 6 to 8 seconds

Scene 18: -the moon begins to return to normal being gradually full moon. 6 seconds

Scene 19: approach to the face of pan, begins to wake up -4 seconds

Scene20: Pan slowly rises from your head -3 seconds

Scene 21: Pan crouches a little kneeling on the floor and grabs its head. Suddenly his tail also caresses his head, pan opens his eyes and sees this and is very surprised and holds his tail surprised-… .. Pan touches her beginning to browse his new tail - 10 seconds or less

-consider removing this scene and getting straight to the point with the transformation-


Scene 22: -Focuses from profile to pan playing with its tail and the window with the moon becoming almost full moon, suddenly pan notices more light and sees the moon almost complete, releases its tail and watches the moon innocently contemplating that end of the eclipse. Suddenly the moment the full moon is complete, ozaru's eyes appear on it. 6 to 10 seconds

Scene23: - an approach is made to the face of pan little by little while seeing this has a terrified face and in that its eyes become red and falls to the floor kneeling with the excited tail.

Scene 24: Focus on pan-view turtle kneeling with its head down while hugging itself and its body throbbing to the rhythm of the heart with red eyes with its tail excited as the camera approaches its face.

Scene 25 Pan stops hugging and looks up without seeing the full moon is only by his side as he throbbed his body while kneeling with his arms down-

Scene 26: the breasts of pan are focused palpitating and suddenly these gradually begins to bulge and develop having large ones being tight in her blouse showing most of her breasts and wearing no bra while they bounced

Scene 27: focus the back of pan on ¾ on her buttocks with her legs open kneeling the buttocks begin to grow with her buttocks tight with her tail excited

Scene 28: he focuses on fully kneeling pan and in ¾ almost seen turtle throbs his body a little more and little by little his body of loli passes from an adult girl stretching the torso, arms and legs and handkerchief of his head falls and the hair of pan grows a little - followed by a growth of muscles in the arms and in the chest and begins to notice some fangs in his mouth-

Scene 29 profile mode 3 4, pan decides to get up showing her already adult body with tight clothes and throbbing her entire body bouncing her tight breasts pan seems to have a lost look.

Scene 30: The 3/4 loaf face is focused and it clenches its teeth and roars in sight above and while its face barely swells showing the ozaru mode.

Scene 31: the back of pan is focused and quickly swells muscles tearing the garment

Scene 32 is focused in front of 3 4 medium turtles, pan breasts are covered by their majority press and their thorax swells gaining muscles and growing gradually.

Scene 33: focuses her vagina and sees the growth that her pants are torn with the panties and then the panties are torn

Scene 34: Pan is focused 3/4 crouched a little while your body grows, the face of pan is barely ozaru and grows so much that it breaks the roof

scene 35: the face of pan is focused, its body is shaking while its face begins to take the form of an ozaru until it is completed.

scene 36: (this will be difficult) the camera focuses on bouncing ozaru pan breasts, then the camera quickly moves away focusing on an ozaru pan already transformed with the house shattered, this pan part has a furious face and growls.

Scene 37: Pan throws a roar into the sky while the moon is behind it and several lightning strikes

Scene 38: a quick panning of pan is made to a hot dog stand near there the ozaru pan silhouette is seen while a hand near the camera is seen delivering a hot dog to a girl

Scene 39: focus of the eagle view camera 3/4 to the dog stand and laugh the dog was attached a little surprised., After this the hot dog stand runs while laughing sees him running away.

Scene 40: -You can see the sight of Reen watching the deliveryman run away while deep down this Ozaru pan addressing her little by little-

scene 41: scene 39 is focused and laugh finishes eating her hot dog and in that he fingers his smile smiling.

Scene 42: focus on the back of Reen addressing Ozaru pan as saying, "Ah shit here we go again", while several scenes focus on Reen transforming into Neko as she walks towards the Ozaru pan

Scene 43: in that laugh, he runs on 4 legs and goes to pan oazau and he throws a fist and the scene ends there

So far the script arrives here, there are still more scenes, I plan to put a battle between reen and pan but that will be optional.

The process of untraining Pan it will be surprise


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