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Hello everyone, i wanna to say thank you for your support, it helps me a lot, last 3 month i'm bying food for it. These 3 month's is the hardest period of my life, it can be ended dramtically if i'll have a bad luck, and your support needs so much this time. I'm praying to universe to end this drama with positive results, or it will be the end of me. If everything will be good, i'll return with many works, if not - i'll dissepear forever not only from internet.

Hope you all have a good health and positive thoughts

Yours, John Cooper



Heya Johnny! I'm hoping i can contribute more eventually, but I'm pretty poor myself. You're so amazingly talented, I mean it, keep it up! Ganbatte! ♥


Hey man, sorry to hear :'( All the best, get well soon!


get well soon mate


Hi, doing better? Hope you are okay


Any news ? Are you OK ?


Don't tell me you did it


hey, hope you are doing well, just found you on pixiv and i love your artworks so much, so hope you get back again! take care and rest if you need it