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Hello, friends! I've catch an infection and lost 2 weeks of my time in hospital so I'll upload story as i went home, btw I'll upload some new luxury style shots on my main pixiv page, hope you're checking it out. Uncensored version of this selfie https://baraag.net/system/media_attachments/files/104/789/428/801/402/739/original/a5a2b0b8d27d6654.jpeg?1598959790




hope you're starting to feel better. I'm new to your fanbox. Do you happen to have a new link with all your work for your fanbox supporters? the one from a few months ago is dead.


Yeah, I'll reupload, always a problem that hostings blocking that type of content. I'm feeling better now but changing cities once per week


I wish you all the best and a swift recovery !