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2話が完成した勢いに任せて3話の表紙も描きました。想像してた人も多いでしょうが次の犠牲者はリーリエです。 まあしかし、その本文の進捗が現時点て1割程度で、その後展開次第での書き換え作業や添削もあることを考えるとこれも完成は数年後とかになりそうで怖いですね。どうか3話がエタらないことを願っておいてください(((




I have been following your work for 10 years (since I was 14 😅). I don't know how old you are, but I'm afraid you won't live to see the release of this doujinshi. 😢


This is amazing!!


Sounds interesting! Really makes me curious to see how it all will play out and if anything might end up turning things around for some of our heroes... But take as much time as you will need to complete it, okay? I'm willing to wait here.


Since the main Alola trio has become Pokemon, I wonder how Lusamine's going to get more Eeveelutions. Maybe the male trainers will get to become Eeveelution girls too?


A serious accident can occur at any time. As long as I am safe, I will continue to create. I hope I can entertain you all until then!


Sorry to those who like bad endings, but the characters are saved to some extent in the end. However, they will have to pay a price, and what has changed will never be completely reversed.


It seems impossible to have all Eeveelutions appear. As the story unfolds, Umbreon is the only male victim. However, there is a strong possibility that he is a crossdresser at the end of the episode.


That's fine by me now... Wonder what will happen to Lusamine though? Could see her getting an ironic fate though, namely getting securely stuck in a latex Pokémon suit of her own and then left like that. But very curious to see what you do come up with here!