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What a beautiful master piece! Love it! Your art has been improving non-stop. Thank you for the time you have done making art. Must throw a Pokéball♡ What I would do to see Marnie in a Living suit nickit XD.


Lovely work here! Marnie looks great in her new outfit, even if she is feeling a little embarrassed and out of place, compared to all the other trainers... Wonder who'd ended up tricking her into thinking this suit was appropriate for the current situation? Hope that we will get to see more awesome art from you very soon.


She is very lovely. xD. I must pushing to myself harder. I can't let my laziness making me can't draw or practice xD.


I'm a little confused as to what the difference is between Images 1 through 4, and Images 5 through 8.


The main difference is the absence of the collar around Marnie's neck that has her ID Number engraved upon it...


Thank you very much. I don't know who deceived her. She's a disaster for her, but I'm sure it's a pleasure for many.


It is very hard to force yourself to draw. It is also important to take a rest. If you look at or read various works, your motivation to create will be restored. Do your best!


Initially, I didn't have a collar version. But It made me want to put her name tag on her.


Very true... Maybe it might inspire more trainers to join her in the future like this? Potentially becoming its own separate challenge for them. We'll have to wait and see!