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投稿した絵の差分です https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/100719900




Why do we need the condom? I was thinking you didn't had your period yet. 😘


Well the lassie doesn't know where all the guys she's been with have been - and if you stick it in her you don't either, might as well rub your d--- on theirs. Also it IS possible to make a little girl pregnant if she's squirted into and onto enough combined with today's vitamin, preservative and hormone saturated food that can trigger a 'precocious puberty'... It'd be cool seeing her get big and a c-section done, say an image set depicting a super special J-Idol erotic video - her spread naked on an operating table, cut open to remove the baby, exposed with guts to her side temporarily then a nice line up her abdomen from a quick zip... But she'd have a permanent line down her middle vertically or an upside down T and if she got a tan it'd be pale white where the cut was made... That might kind of hurt her J-Idol Model career and possible J-Pop aspirations unfair as it is. And I doubt Bubakka is into drawing "Guro".. Nice image, I like raw too, but understand.

