【動画】叔〇さんにバキバキチ〇ポを見せつけたらのっかられて童貞卒業させられた / I showed my uncle my erect cock and he made me lose my virginity.
【動画】新成人ヤンキーくんと絶倫義〇の待ちに待った初雄交尾 / The long-awaited first sexual intercourse between a newly-adult bad boy and his f〇ther-in-law
【動画】年末で親戚集合の宴会にて初対面のおじさんとこっそり子作り / Secretly having sex with an uncle whom I has never met before at a year-end banquet
Secretly having sex with an uncle whom I has never met before at a year-end banquet with relatives(text available)
【動画】妻子持ちイケオジ俳優とアイドル俳優の舞台挨拶の裏側 / Behind the scenes with a handsome actor with a wife and child and an idol actor on stage.
Behind the scenes with a handsome actor with a wife and child and an idol actor on stage.(text available)
【動画】親戚のノンケ既婚おじさんを酔わせてのっかったらキスハメされてしまった話 / The story of how I got a straight married uncle drunk and got kissed and fucked.
【動画】小さい時から面倒を見てくれている住職さんとお清め生交尾 / Purifying raw sex with the chief priest who has looked after me since I was a small child.
Purifying raw sex with the chief priest who has looked after me since I was a small child.(text available)