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So as you might know, pretty much all my OCs are lesbians or at the very least bi with a girl partner. And i wanted a whore loli too, and tried making my gyaru loli a lesbian too but since i already did some drawings of her with guys i decided to leave her as it is. Instead i made this "mesugaki". She has ended many male teachers careers by putting them in questionable situations so she could blackmail them to then get them fired and replaced once she gets bored of the current one, eventually a new teacher, already aware of this trouble girl, managed to film her extortions, getting her home schooled instead to avoid further problems. To take extra precautions, her parents hired a very strict female teacher. Little did they know they just hired a lolicon that will "put her in her place" as soon as this loli tries to makes her moves. (she always had clients with male sons which she isn't into, this girl is her first girl student) Eventually her behaviour became more normal as her "attachment" with her tutor grew as well... BTW This loli never did "that" with her previous teachers, she just liked to see her teachers lives ruined because of her. PS: I tried to make a pun with her shirt logo but i don't know how good or bad it is... it's probably bad is it? lol




She looks really good, I like her eyes. I wonder what this tutor will end up doing to her.


Really nice, love the teasing and foxy eyes.


yeah... "pocket pussy" is what i was going for... but there's no "pussy" translation as "cat" in japanese as far as i know lol


I like her design. Would like to see her colored.