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Hey guys! So i finally desided to give Patreon a second chance, now all characters posted there will be 18 years old or older regardles of their canon age. This means that from now on i'll be posting everything i post here on Patreon (excluding lolis, that is FANBOX and Fantia exclusve) If you want to change from FANBOX to Patreon, please wait until i test if that disclaimer works, the test will last 1 month, enough time to contact patreon myself and see if i can safely post there again. Raffles WON'T come back, and extra posts like this or general updates will most likelly still be posted here only, unless is something really important like the latest update. Polls are easy to make on Patreon so i might start doing them there but suggestions will happen here. Let me know if you have any question!


Cy Man

I'll stick with Pixiv fanbox, I'm already on your highest level support and you did say you'll put everything here so I don't see the point of switching to patreon.


Yup, fanbox is still the best option but there is people that either just preffer patreon or don't like lolis, that's where is worth changing.

Cy Man

I guess, but I was mainly just stating about my general experience between the two for myself. If someone prefers patreon over fanbox, that's fine, whatever works for them.


If patreon finds out you're doing lolis here, they will freeze or ban you account, unless you don't do it, I already saw that happen to a lot of artists trying to do Lolis and shotas.


Patreon doesn't care about that disclaimer. I have witnessed that myself many times through artists I support and they even wrote that to them. I also have seen someone getting suspended for a non-nude anime girl drawing. "She potentially could be a minor" was the reason. Absolute BS! Further, they will check any external link you make on patreon and even dare to request you to delete your "non-ToS compliant works" from other platforms. Two artists I support were suspended and asked to delete their entire gumroad and fantia content. And the most recent case from this week was "reviewing the linked discord server". Now they don't allow you any content that is not related to your posted patreon works and especially if porn (in any form) is on the discord server they demand you to clean it. subscribestar and gumroad are the better options.


I wouldn't even bother just saw that they demanded access to someone's Discord server to unsuspend them They don't want you doing anything that goes against their TOS ANYWHERE Online


Damn... Might be that changing to fanbox and fantia was a way better choice than i originaly thought. Well... i'll still give it a try, if they deamnd me anything i'll just delete my patreon


Oh... well... i think they are aware that i do loli/shota content since it was that the reason why they banned me for a few days, but if they start giving me trouble i'll just delete my patreon


Slugbox and other artists who didn't actually DO any loli/shota art got punted off of Patreon, and some of them as mentioned got punted even when they kept that stuff off their Patreon and on other platforms. Patreon is pretty insistent on running off anyone producing erotic material (including real-life stuff, I personally know sexworkers who got their Paterons clapped for no reason) and is complicit in attacking other platforms that popped up to fill the gap. The only reason Pixiv and Fantia haven't had their payment processors harassed like SubscribeStar is because they're not US-owned and don't care what westerners think (which is good). If you think you can get some extra revenue on Patreon give it a shot (Money is money) but I'd expect to get banned again the second one of their mods gets nosy.


Yeah... Until now i thought patreon wasn't like that (i knew a few things) but now i'll just let it be, whatever happens to my patreon happens, I just wanted to post there again since people keep supporting me there and i feel responsible for it.


does this mean you're not posting stuff here anymore?


No, fanbox is still my main site, i just want to have patreon as an extra option for supporters, nothing here will change