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Hello! I'll list the themes i'll be talking about so you quickly know if something is of your interest (even tho everything is really important): Japan and possible decrease on posts frequency, Main project and parodies, Game(s), Suggestions and possible new schedule.

Japan and post frequency:

As i told you at the beginning of 2021, this year I should be moving to Japan as a student which would shorten the time I have to work. That's no longer the case, becoming a student again is just too much time consuming and stressful for me to handle. Now my plan is to get a work visa, which would take a lot of time to get so for now is not possible either, leaving my new new plan being the tourist visa. As soon as I'm vaccinated and Japan allow tourists from my country to enter, I'll be going for 3 months. Now, this doesn't mean that you won't get new content for 3 months but probably a slight decrease since i'll treat this trip as a working trip. Basically, i'm going as a tourist but i'll have the same schedule that i have now but since i won't have my main PC my workflow will probably be slower.

Main projects and parodies:

This one is just to let you all know that, even tho I absolutely love making MHA and other anime stuff, I'll take any oportunity that i have to work on more original projects. I say this because I know the main projects are not popular at all here, but I don't want to be "doomed" to parodies forever. I started doing this because I wanted to adapt mangas that I like, and now that I'm in my 3rd manga I can say that I love this more than I love doing parodies. This doesn't mean that, whenever that happens, I'll stop doing absolutely all parodies, I love doing them, but I want it to be extra content not the main one. And whenever that happens, I'll be counting on your support!


On the same note that the previous theme, the games will be the second step for the original content to take over parodies. I'm currently working with a programer to make the game we talked about a while back, except that the story changed, there won't be loli succubus in this first game and it will have an Advance War style... But the second one it will be more similar to what i told you about... except it will be more like a Catherine than the games you recomended me, with 3d models and 2d cutscenes and everything, for obvious reasons this second game will take way longer to start. The first one is soon to start its production.


This is a quick one, as soon as i finish most of the animations on my schedule I'll make a new post where you can give me more of your ideas, this will probably happen on mid April (Hopefully sooner)

Possibly new schedule:

With my trip to Japan, the main project and games, I find myself with less and less time to work on extra stuff (extra stuff being parodies). I also see other artists and, as some of you have pointed out before, I post way more than they do and I have to say that... I don't think that's a good thing... To make this short, regardless of if you like the quality of my current stuff, right now i'm prioritising quantity over quality, and i want to change things around. Nothing is decided yet, I might or not do it, but I really want to and I'll probably let you know or make a poll or something when i feel like it's time to do it.

That's all!

Have a nice Sunday!



Love your work, thanks for the update. Have a great trip!!




J'ai hâte de voir ça ! Good Luck i'm with you ! :)


Good Luck, i'll still love everithing you do!


Whether it’s parodies or original work, I will still support and enjoy the content you put out! Also safe travels to Japan!


for the minimum required payment for the content you release is not that bad and i never felt under cut for content for my subscription. Do what you want, live no regrets.


Hey, games sound great! I'll support you for as long as I can. But you're kidding about cutting out the loli succubus, right?


I have to sort out some things in order to be able to put lolis on the games but that doesn't mean i won't draw her (or them) from time to time. At least the first game will have a petite girl that resembles a loli


It's ok because she's really 300 years old.


actually she is about 900 years old, but her body type is the one giving me a bit of trouble


Idk if you mentioned this already, but what happened to the other MHA doujins? Will you still finish them? Good luck with everything you are planning!!!


The second chapter has been almost finish for several months, i just don't feel like working on it right now. I want to finish it tho, so i just have to wait until i'm inspired again