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So a few days ago i made this sketch based on the christmas chapter in the manga... Then i realized that is february and that it makes no sense to post it now, so i decided to finish or at least post it this next christmas, but then i noticed that i have no content (that i can show) to post for today, so here is the sketch... It started as a single illustration but i could make it a mini comic 2 or 3 pages. I also totally misjudged my time and i don't know if i'll be able to get the other 2 Takagi animations done this month, i'll still try but i can't tell for sure. Once all the paperwork of the main project is done, i'll have more time to finish stuff again, just wait a couple days more.






No way you're not a Mineta fan. At this point if you're drawing a guy it's either him or a faceless buff dude.


It's nothing to apologize for, you can draw what you want. I only bring it up since the first time you started posting him you said he would be rare and now he's a common thing.


I know... I didn't want him to be this common either but because of my lack of time lately I just have to post whatever I have, I didn't want to post this one yet.


this's what i want ~ochaco +ntr


It's all good. Personally if you're so stretched thin I'd be fine with less content a week. You certainly post more than most artists that's for sure. Regardless I've supported you for a while now and don't plan to stop over some creepy midget cartoon.


This is a nice sketch! Btw do you still plan to wait until next Christmas or should we expect the final version early?


Yo go man. I love the stuff you do with that lil dude and I'm eagerly waiting for christmas haha. Hope to see your series with Mineta done with most of the gals in the distant future :)


I LOVE IT! well, It's gonna be hard wait that long but... Worth it! Thank you for your hard work :)


Great sketch and brilliant work as always! Please don't worry about the negative comments around Mineta. Draw what you want when you want and you have our support. <3 :D


People who skip over the Mineta Warning posts are missing out! Keep drawing whatever you want, you've got the midas touch!