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Hi! Uh... So i've been sick for the last couple of days and i couldn't meet my schedule
for today's new post (Sarada). So instead i'll let you know what i have planed for 2021...
I hope you understand!
Ok! First, as those of you that were my patrons in... Patreon know, i should have had moved to Japan this year, for obvious reasons, that didn't happened. This, however, will happen somewhere about September 2021. This is important because i'll be going with a student visa, which means i will be going to an academy, which also means less time to work. However i'll take low intensity classes to avoid a big impact on my schedule. This is also just the current plan, i might (or not) be elegible for another visa that allows me to focus on this 100%. What is clear is that next year i'll be moving to Japan.
Next main project! I know is not the most popular thing here but it's still one of the most importants things for me. Next project could be another Tsumetoro's dojin adaptation, this time with two fox girls, nothing confirmed yet tho.
Also! You may be asking what happened to the second Boku no ERO Academia chapter, well... The main project is currently 99% finished and it's way more important than the dojin (I have also been demotivated with it, and i want to retake it when i feel better about it) Also, regarding to the future of the dojinshis in general, right now i'm working on Takagi-san NTR animations and i'm liking this format so far so the third chapter of Boku no ERO will be probably animated from the get go so don't be surpised if all next big parody project are just animations like Takagi-san NTR.
And last, about my commissions... i don't know what i'll do with them to be honest, i have been telling people who asked me for it that i should oppen them this month but things aren't looking good for them, i have a few options, either make them supporter exclusive or clossing them forever or for a longer time with no clear date. And at the moment the second option is my preffered one.
I mean, between the main projects (almost one colored animation per two days) the parody projects (most flexible schedule but still a lot of work) and the "extra" stuff (illustrations and single animations)... I just can't do eveything.
If you see that in the future i still post content labeled as commissions, is because is from one single client (the same person who is giving you the latest Ochako content for a few months now)
That's all!


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