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  • 12.mp4
  • 45.mp4



The sketches are from the possible next project and the colored ones are from the current main project. So with the current and the previous project i porpously aimed for old Tsumetoro works since his art was no where near as his current one and probanly no other studio would take them. This time is no different, however the dojin i have in mind is part of one of his main series so if everything goes alright i might have secured a few years of work. And i might get more atention from other artists as well and so more oportunities to adapt other mangakas dojinshis! By the way, the main project length will be of about 15 minutes.




I'm really impressed by your hard work! Thanks for sharing!


so sad ....i'm not interesting in this project, but good luck , draw what you want


That nipple tease is really, really good.