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Thank you for your continued support! I am Akuochisky-SENSEI!

I have not heard from you since the last update at the beginning of this month...;

I'm sorry, but due to work progress, I have to release the Japanese version first this month.

The English version will be available tomorrow;



This month's manga is a continuation of last month's manga. I personally feel a little bit annoyed that it is difficult to see the semen due to the fact that I put color on the difficult-to-express part where it is wrapped in flesh; how do you feel about that? Is that not true?

I have one more story in stock for this story, so I may draw that next month. I am also thinking of adding a new element to "Sowing Seeds," which I have not drawn before. I would like to draw an original child like this after a long time.








In March, I went for a physical checkup and on errands, and for a person who usually does not leave my hometown, I went out a lot.

In terms of work-related activities, my work PC, which is now in its fifth year, started behaving erratically, so I decided to replace it with a new one before it breaks down and migrate my work environment (which was quite difficult because I am mechanically inept), and I also had a lot of seasonal administrative work to do.

Because of this, the work was pushed back a little...well, a lot, and this is the last week of updates. It really pains me to have you read this in such a hurry. I wish my writing could be faster.

I am relieved that the results of my physical exam showed that my liver, which was a D2 last year, is now an A. I have been drinking for six whole years this year. I haven't been drinking alcohol for six whole years this year, but my liver and uric acid levels had been inexplicably high. Maybe it is a good thing that I have been exercising more recently.

I will not rest easy here and will continue to be careful.

Again, I will be able to update the English version tomorrow, so I hope you will look forward to that as well!

Thank you for reading to the end!




このシリーズ本当に好きです……🙏 誰よりも真っ先におほ声出しちゃう誠司さんもさることながら、全員の堕ち方が違うのも三者三様のえちえち度合いでよきです…… 肉体憑依ネタ、ちゃんと恋人みたいにエッチしたいのに、無理やり憧れの誠司さん(の姿)に逆レされる龍くん、みたいな感じで色々見て見たい気持ちになりました☺️


I miss fire slugger.


これはよりエロティックなプロットを持つ優れた作品で、3人のスーパーヒーローが同時に快楽に堕ちるのは見事だ。 触手にすっぽり包まれたペニスは本当にあまりよく見えない。前作に比べ、三角パンティに直接イク方が良かった。しかし、3人のヒーローの戦闘コスチュームが剥き出しになっているのを見て、さらに興奮を覚えた。


恐縮です!お楽しみいただけたようで、とてもうれしいです! そうなんですよね。先にえっちなことされてるのですっかり馬鹿になってしまっているんですよ; 結局やることが同じになってしまうので、見せ方に工夫をしたつもりですがそれが上手く作用したようでよかったです! 憑依ネタもいいですよねー見た目はまんま変わらないのに…というのは自分も好きです!


Thank you very much! He is one of my favorite characters too. I haven't been able to draw many of them, but I'd like to do so again in various ways.


Thank you for your valuable input! Yes, there is still a slight problem with visibility. Whether to emphasize the reality of being wrapped or to prioritize visibility...it is a very difficult question. The fact that Japan needs to make modifications to the genitalia is another factor that adds to the problem. Also, since they are encased in tentacles, the eruption may have been subdued.


ありがとうございます! やっぱりこういう形態模倣される系のネタは悪い顔をさせたい!あっちの支援サイト向けですが続きも描いています。ソラちゃんには引き続き悪い顔をさせたい~ぐひひひ


3人纏めて責められるとか最高のシチュ‼︎大好きです^ ^ 特に快楽に堕ちつつも、必死に耐えようとしているのか反抗的な目を保ってた英雄の表情や、やられてるシーンがキました!