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Thank you for your continued support! Im, Akuochisky-sensei!

As for this month's update... so far we are planning to continue the story of the uncle and the Kiribakusan (the last story). If the story doesn't come together, it will be something else.

In re-editing, we are correcting areas of concern. I'm trying to correct Kirishima-kun's headgear and some of his facial expressions.

I also added some corrections to the parts that really bothered me, and I added a ball sack (because it looks more perverted!) to the perverted cosplayers. I've also added a ball bag (because it looks more perverted!) to the kinky cosplay, and other things. Manly headgear! I'm also considering changing the color of the headgear to a more vulgar color after the corruption. So it's taking longer than I expected. Not good.

I've already come up with most of the material for the new part that I plan to include in the update and compilation, and I'm fine-tuning it and making it better every day. I had originally thought of this story, but I had a hard time deciding how to present it. This is the last part of the series, so I want to make it look good.

thought I had a strange feeling in my throat since yesterday, and today I went to my doctor's office because I couldn't stop my runny nose (not figuratively). So I just took the allergy medicine. If I get a fever from now on, I will be prepared for corona;

I'm still debuffed and my work is not progressing as fast as I would like, but I would like to make this a manga that readers will enjoy, so please look forward to it!



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