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いつもご支援ありがとうございます!アクオチスキー先生です! 8月ももう1週間弱経ってしまいました。早い! 今月の更新ですが、ヒーロー信玄さんことヴァリアントグリーンのマンガで行こうと思います!前回に続きまったくの新ネタではないのですが…ヒーロー洗脳モノ好きな方にはシコシコして頂けるんじゃないかなと思います。楽しんで頂けるマンガになるよう引き続き作業頑張ります~! さて更新のついでに日記的なものも。 月初めにコロナのワクチンを打って頂きました(1回目)。1回目は副反応も出づらいと聞いていたんですが、念のため色々な用事は事前に済ませ、ぶっ倒れても良い様に構えてました。構えていたものの現れた症状はきつめの筋肉痛ぐらいでホッとしたのも束の間、二日ぐらい痛みがきつくて思ってたよりつらいと泣き言を言っていました。痛みで作業にならなかったので、早めの夏休みと割り切って積み本や積アニメを消化できてよかったです。二回目どうなっちゃうんだろうなーと今からドキドキ。 今月は個人的に楽しみな催しが沢山あるんですが、世間がそう言う状況じゃないので、開催するのか・開催するとして参加するのか、と言う事を考えてしまいなかなか気分が晴れません。楽しいイベントに何も悩まず二つ返事で参加できる世の中が早く訪れますように… Thank you for your support! Hello! I'm AKUOCHISUKII-SENSEI. It's been less than a week already in August. That's too soon! For this month's update, I'm going to go with a manga about Valiant Green, aka Hero Shingen-san! It's not a completely new story as last time, but I'm sure those who like hero brainwashing stories will get a kick out of it. I'll continue to work hard to make this a manga you can enjoy! In the meantime, here's a diary of sorts. At the beginning of the month, I received my first dose of the corona vaccine, and although I heard that the first dose is less likely to cause adverse reactions, I did all my errands beforehand just in case, so I was prepared for the possibility of collapsing. Although I was prepared, I was relieved to see that the only symptom that appeared was a severe muscle pain, but I was whining for about two days that the pain was so severe that it was harder than I expected. I'm glad that I was able to take an early summer vacation and digest the piles of books and anime since the pain prevented me from working. Now I'm wondering what's going to happen the second time. There are a lot of events that I'm personally looking forward to this month, but since the world isn't in such a state, I'm having a hard time thinking about whether or not they'll be held, and if so, whether or not I'll attend. I hope that the world will soon come to a place where we can participate in fun events without having to worry about anything... Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




My handsome Seiji a.k.a Valiant Green! 😍😍😘 Is this the continuation of last story sensei? Can't wait to see this!


I want to see him naked again. Love to see his bare chest and nipples! 🔥🔥


信玄さん存在自体がエロくてめちゃ好きです(^p^) 楽しみにしています!




Thank you! As for the story, it's a different episode from the last one. The story is a different episode from the last one, and I've been able to draw a cool figure, so please look forward to it!



