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4月の更新は3月末に更新した『ヴァリアントグリーン』の続きを予定しております。ネームはだいたい決まったんですが、ページ数が前編より多めになるかもで作業量がちょっとキツイです;ぴえ 最近描いた漫画の英語版もアシスタントさんが鋭意試作中です。4月中には2本UPする予定ですので少々お待ちを! イラストは少年ヒーローユニットMMEのシローくんです。MMEは最近世間に姿を見せないらしいですが『ヴァリアントグリーン前編』に出てきたクリムゾンボーイズと何か関係あるのでしょうか…? 4月もがんばります~! April's update will be a continuation of "Valiant Green," which was updated at the end of March. I've pretty much decided on the story, but the number of pages might be larger than the first part, so the workload is a bit tight. My assistant is working on the English version of the manga I drew recently, and I'm planning to upload two of them in April, so please wait a bit! The illustration is by Shiloh from the boy hero unit MME, who haven't been seen in the public eye lately, but I wonder if they have anything to do with the Crimson Boys from "Valiant Green Part 1"...? I'll do my best in April too~! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




Ayee thank you sensei! I already purchased 500Yen to read the english version. I want to see Valiant Green upper body shirtless, he is so hot! His pecs and nipple is awesome! I want to see his pecs got milked again. I also want to know who is this Crimson boss is. Thank you sensei!