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fanbox post: creator/28189755/post/995305

Meryon opened his mouth willing to blurt out everything in a second, but then he just hissed and closed his mouth again. It was Larissa who, to shut him up, gave him a kick when she thought no one else would notice. After receiving it, anger welled up in him. In all his years he never got accustomed to situations where doctors and everything which was connected to them played a role. He felt he had the good damn right to tell this man what he asked for. He might even get away from whatever would unfold now. On the other hand, Larissa was his best friend… at least for a girl and as she stood there in silence he would not betray her. “Cling together, swing together!” as you say. So he voiced his protest by giving her an angry look.

“Come on, Meryon,” said his mother, “There is no need to be afraid. Just tell the friendly doctor what really happened and we are rather sooner than later at home again.” Meryon looked at his mother. She was still hiding behind her hand and didn't even look at her own son. It had always been like this. Whenever the topic only slightly touched intimate grounds, she would try not to see reality and predict that these things don't exist. Facing the doctor again, he just responded, “No, Sir. Friends keep their secrets to themselves.” Larissa's father panted at his daughter's friend's proclaim, “Come on, boy. We ain't have all day. People have something else to do without waiting for two bratty children to make up their mind.”

“Would you be so kind and let me and my team handle this, Francisco?!” interrupted Doctor Varnham, “I hope, I don't have to remind you of the papers you signed.” Larissa's father shrugged and said, “Go ahead. I don't want to make it more awkward than this freaking story already is.” “Thank you.” He didn't give Francisco another look and continued where he was before being interrupted, “I respect your decision, but this leaves me no other choice than to find out the truth by using medical measures.” “Medical measures?” A hint of uneasiness lay in Meryon's question. “Well, we'll have to do an examination on each of you in order to check for internal injuries and if there are other things you try to hide.” concretised Doctor Varnham his announcement. “Of course we have things to hide. It's not like you adults are any better.” added Larissa. She was still of the opinion that they didn't do anything wrong. Regarding the inner injuries the doctor had a point, but the rest was absurd. It's not like her heart wasn't beating quicker when they were sharing this intimate moments, but sex…

Before any further interruptions, Dr. Varnham took the phone from his desk, pressed one button and said shortly after, “Examination rooms B1 and G1 are prepared and Dr. Bryce is informed, I assume?!” He listened to the response and continued, “Yes, right. Please come by my office and collect the specimens.” After hanging up, he asked, “I assume you don't want to accompany your son, Mrs. Arterbury?” The woman looked up and shook her head, “No, just take care of my little baby, will you.” Meryon were getting goosebumps while listening to his mother's voice. Does she really think he was still 3 years old?

The door behind them opened and in marched one male and one female nurse being unknown to the visitors. At least none of the children could remember seeing them either in the entrance hall or in the waiting area. These nurses were dressed in a uniform typical for their profession, but the colour was blue instead of the usual white the children were accustomed to. They were of roughly the same height, but while the woman had blond hair the man's hair colour was brown. The rest looked similar as if each of them would be the other gender's respective equivalent and each of them was carrying a hospital gown. Larissa assumed it was meant for them.

“These are nurse Brenna and male nurse Wilton, which will assist my colleague, Dr. Bryce and me in the following procedures. As a matter of fact they are twins and have chosen the same profession.” introduced Doctor Varnham the new arrivals. Both nurses just nodded to their superior. “You can already take your assigned patient, bring them to the respective examination room and do already the basic stuff, while I,” he marched around his desk and lend Meryon's mother his arm, “guide Mrs. Arterbury and Mr. Gomes to the parents’ lounge.”

Meryon's mother took the offered arm and allowed Doctor Varnham to walk her out of the room after nurse Wilton opened the door. Larissa's father prepared to follow them, when his daughter's voice stopped him, “Didn't you want to accompany me, dad?” He turned around and saw a pleasing look on her face. “So much for being a tough cookie, my beloved daughter.” he thought, but he responded, “It would be very impolite of me to keep Renae to herself after such an outburst. As you always insist of being an adult, I am sure you can handle the rest alone.” With these words he followed the two others into the corridor and left the children in the custody of the medical stuff…

…the professional way

The door was shut and in silence the nurses handed each child their clothing. Meryon sighed and just put it on. Larissa needed some moment to compose herself before following his example. For her it had been clear until that moment that her father would be with her during the whole procedure, but that hope was now shattered.

For an outsider their small procession might have looked funny: As vanguard nurse Brenna followed by the children and as rearguard her brother. Walking back through the waiting area and the entrance hall, they reached a corridor leading to the building's east wing. That corridor, to which she had seen out of the tail of her eye a nurse escorting another boy while her father had been talking to the receptionist. Next they entered an elevator, which drove downwards after nurse Brenna pressed the button labelled “-2 ER” and held a keycard in front of a sensor. Larissa was getting really nervous now and she could see that Meryon was feeling the same.

The ride didn't take long and with the typical beeping sound the doors opened. The corridor looked more like one you would expect in a clinic. The friendly athmosphere of the ground-floor was replaced with a sterile one. Lid by cold neon light were multiple doors on both sides having the same distance between them and all had a label and a keypad underneath on their left side. From her position Larissa was able to read what was written on the left and right door in front of her: “G8” and “B8”.

“I fear, here you will have to part with your boyfriend.” It was the first time that one of their escorts said anything. “He is not my,” Larissa couldn't finish her sentence as a strong hand grabbed her shoulder. “No time to waste, young lady. We are already on tight schedule.” “Ouch, what are you,” Again she was interrupted, as the owner of the hand, male nurse Wilton, shoved her to the right side of the corridor. Turning her head she saw that Meryon didn't put up any resistance and allowed nurse Brenna to escort him to the corridor's other side.

…with Larissa (Laryh)

They stopped in front of a door labelled with “G1” at the end of the corridor's left side. Wilton took a key card out of his uniform, slid it through a slit next to the keypad, which Larissa was now able to see from this distance and typed in a numerical combination in such a quick succession that she was not able to follow. Without making a sound, the door parts slid into the left and right wall slots and allowed her to peek into the room. Her escort wasted no time and just pushed her forward into the room. He followed shortly after and the door closed behind them as silently as it was opened.

Paying no more attention to the girl, he headed to a desk, sat down and started to do something at the computer placed on it. Larissa gasped as she realized that this room only vaguely resembled the examination rooms she was accustomed to while visiting her dentist or paediatrician. A visitor's sight would automatically be drawn to the piece of furniture placed in the centre of the room illuminated by neon lights. It seemed to be some kind of chair, but in a style Larissa hadn't seen before in her life until now.

From a metal plate on the floor two likewise metallic bars arose on which the seating surface rested upon. The backrest was separated into two pieces, which Larissa assumed could be adjusted individually. All of them were upholstered with black leather including the insides of the “things” at the other end of the chair, which also had straps attached to them. She didn't know any better word to describe them.

The wall behind the object was occupied with something resembling a kitchen unit, multiple cupboards and a sink, and above was a mirror and additional shelves. On the right side, next to the desk at which male nurse Wilton was currently working at, was a weighting scale, for whatever reason a toilet and additional medical tools in mountings attached to the wall whereas the left one housed additional cupboards, some chairs and a wheeled stretcher bed.

“Remove the rest of your clothing, put it on a chair and step on the scale.” Wilton's voice snapped her out of her observation. When the girl didn't move he said, “Your choice. Either you or me doing it.” Even if his voice wasn't in any way threatening, Larissa was sure he meant it like he said. So she rushed to the chair and removed the remaining clothing. Even if the man made no move to get a glimpse on her she covered her crotch while walking over to the scale.

After some time the male nurse gave her the next instructions, “On your right side you find a body height meter. Just step in front of it and the computer will do the rest.” The finishing of the procedure was indicated by a beep after which Wilton reported, “4 ft 8 in and 80 lbs.” After a short pause he added, “Take a seat on the stretcher bed. The doctor should be here any moment.”

As the instructions left some room for interpretation, she decided to sit down, lean at the wall and close her eyes to escape the absurdity of the whole situation even if it would be just a few seconds. “Calm down, Laryh,” she whispered to herself, “You will survive this. It's just an examination.” Nothing had really happened and she already felt like a jitterbug.

“I assume the basic data is gathered, Wilton?!” To her surprise it was not Doctor Varnham's voice, which reached her ears. Opening her eyes, she saw that a woman in a white coat had entered the room. She had red hair, which was tied to a pigtail and was at least a head smaller than Wilton. Upon the subject the male nurse just nodded while the doctor closed the distance to her subordinate. After looking at the screen for some time both of them came over to Larissa. In front of her they stopped and Doctor Bryce gave her the same scrutinizing look as Doctor Varnham did before. Larissa felt like she had been put under a microscope and a cold shiver ran down her spine.

Finally the doctor addressed her, “You were examined before, yes? So if you act accordingly, everything will be over without any fuss.” Folding her arms she gave the girl some time to take a decision. When Larissa didn't fight back, but simply nodded, displeasure was clearly visible on the doctor's face, but it was quickly replaced with kindness, which, the girl assumed, was fake.

After the examination started, except from the fact that she was completely naked, Larissa started to get relaxed again. She even had to chuckle when the doctor used a stethoscope for checking her respiration. The woman was first a bit irritated by her patient's behaviour, but then she remembered, “I guess you think it is amusing that you used the same on your friend, don't you?” By seeing the sneer on her counterpart, the girl's self-confidence was blown away and she grew silent. “Should I tell you, what I see?” asked Doctor Bryce, “A girl without remorse, thinking that she didn't do anything wrong.” After that she finished the rest of the basic examinations as if nothing had happened.

“Would you please get me two thermometers and a tube of lubricant, Wilton?” Larissa started to listen attentively when hearing these instructions. It didn't take long for the male nurse to return with the requested tools. “Why do you need two thermometers to take my temperature?” asked the girl with an uneasy voice.

“Well,” explained Doctor Bryce, moving both instruments from hand to hand, “we will do a rectovaginal comparison measurement.” “Recto-what?” Larissa had a vague idea what was meant, but she hoped that the doctor's answer would indicate something else. Holding the instruments right under the child's nose, she answered in a cheerful voice, “One of these will measure your body temperature via your rectum and its twin via your vagina.”

Larissa was sure that this woman was wallowing in the fright that overcame her directly after she digested the announcement. Glancing at the door, she was evaluating the possibility to make a run for it. The two adults might have guessed what she was going to try, so in the next instant Wilton was pushing her down on the bed. “What the hell. Let me go, you bastard.” yelled Larissa at the man. “Tut, tut, tut. No need to be impolite.” reprimanded her the doctor, “I assumed, you considered an escape, but I guess it must have just been my imagination. You'll behave, right?!” The girl decided to cosy them along and just nodded. Maybe a better chance to escape the room would be available later as she was nearly sure that they planned to get her acquainted with that chair before this ordeal was all over. And for that they had to move.

After the nurse released her, Doctor Bryce requested her to draw up her legs. “Like when you would change a baby's diaper.” she added to illustrate her request. Larissa rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. Due to her legs obstructing her view, she couldn't clearly see what was was going on. The sound of pressing out a container's semi-liquid content including air was reaching her ears followed by hands parting her buttocks.

Larissa was feeling miserable. Not because she was being in this humiliating position, rather because she could now totally understand how Meryon must have felt while she was doing something similar to him. She could feel the coolness of the lubricant when the thermometer slid into the depths of her rectum. The hands switched their position and parted the lips of her vulva. The feeling of something like this invading her most private parts went right through her. It was no physical pain, but everything within in her wailed about what was happening. She had hoped for Meryon being the first one, after herself, to touch her there.

Two consecutive beeps announced that both instruments had gathered their data and shortly after, they were withdrawn from her orifices. She saw that Doctor Bryce just glanced at them and handed them including the tube of lubricant back to her colleague. Larissa had already thought that the real reason was for humiliating her than for a real medical purpose. Her assumptions about the chair were confirmed, when the doctor said, “For the remaining examination you have to hop on the special chair you surely have noticed when entering the room. Off you go!”

The girl raised slowly from the stretcher bed and started walking over to the ominous thing. When she made it halfway, she dashed for the exit and almost crashed into the door. It was then that she remembered that it had no handle, but nevertheless she put her hands on the respective side and tried to pry them open. Her attempt was futile as the door didn't budge at all.

Turning around she could look into the amused faces of the medical stuff. “The doors only open for registered staff members,” Doctor Bryce explained while getting a remote control from her coat, “or those having the key.” At this very moment, Larissa realized that there was no escape. She had to endure whatever they planned to do to her. But they wouldn't see her crying.

“As you might not be aware with a gynaecological chair, the only difference is, that you sit down and put your legs in the provided legrests.” explained Doctor Bryce while the girl was walking back to them. Larissa just nodded and did as requested. Looking down she saw that her genital area was completely exposed and there was nothing she could do to prevent it. The straps were tightened on both of her legs and lastly her hands were strapped behind the chair. It wasn't painful, but she couldn't move her limbs anymore.

Doctor Bryce didn't waste anytime after the girl was immobilised. “Get me two small enema bulbs with warm water. And you can already warm up one vaginal and one rectal speculum, S size.” After instructing her colleague, she got the movable chair on which Wilton previously sat and moved it between the girl's spread legs so that she could comfortably execute her “work”. Larissa heard the sound of pouring water, but couldn't see what Wilton was doing as his back occupied her view. She didn't need to wait long for the male nurse to return with a trolley on which the tube of lubricant, a box of examination gloves and two red, bulb-shaped, rubbery objects were placed. While the doctor was putting on the gloves, Wilton opened the tube's lid and coated the black coloured tubes sitting on top of the objects with a generous amount of lubricant. Doctor Bryce took the offered instrument from his hands and explained, “Its time to give your dirty orifices some needed cleaning. There is no need to soil our precious instruments with your excrement.”

Before Larissa had a chance to ask what she meant by that, the doctor already inserted the tube into her rectum. The girl gasped in surprise as she felt the water gushing in her intestines when Doctor Bryce started to knead the bulb. After injecting all the water into her patient, she said, “When I withdraw the tube from your bitty, clench your bumcheeks as tightly together as you can. I don't want a mess on the floor. Understood?” If Larissa would follow her nose, she would just spray everything on this annoying doctor, but this would just prolong the inevitable.

Doctor Bryce gave her a sign and she relaxed her sphincter so that the water flowed back out of her insides into the bucket nurse Wilton brought in the meantime and placed it underneath her posterior. Her sphincter was only given a short time to relax as shortly after, first one, then two fingers were pushed through it and started to feel around. The treatment was still not painful, but having no possibility to deny these bodily invasions and the passion with which Doctor Bryce was executing them, caused her blood to boil.

“The findings on palpation seem to be negative, but for being sure that nothing is injured we will do a visual inspection.” Larissa was sure that the doctor spoke more to her colleague than to her. So there would be more that would be put into her. She was right when male nurse Wilton handed Doctor Bryce a metal instrument from which water was still trickling. It looked like a pair of pliers, but four thin bars, two at the top and two slightly underneath, sprout from it. The girl couldn't really make sense of it, but it shouldn't take long for her to find out.

This time the doctor personally coated the parts of the instruments, which Larissa assumed would be put into her, with the lubricant. “Would you be so kind to assist with the speculum's insertion, Wilton?” asked the doctor, whereupon the male nurse used his fingers to stretch the girl's anus a bit so that Doctor Bryce could get the instrument past the resisting muscle.

While the insertion was already uncomfortable, it got nearly unbearable when the doctor started squeezing the instrument's handle, which caused the jaws to expand and with them her sphincter. Denying her tormentors any satisfaction, Larissa bit her lip in order not to voice anything, which would indicate any of her feelings. She was to inexperienced to know that this kind of behaviour already satisfied people with the kind of interests as Doctor Bryce to some degree.

The doctor pressed the power button on a flash light and took her fair time to examine the girl's rectum, sometimes also using her fingers to palpate parts of the exposed intestinal wall, which really put Larissa's endurance to the test.

Some time ago her sphincter had started to twitch involuntarily as it tried to close again. Finally Doctor Bryce seemed to be satisfied, although she didn't even bother to close the instrument before pulling it out again. The girl allowed herself to clearly exhale, which made the woman chuckle. “Don't think we're already done. But for the time being your sphincter can relax a bit. Time to give your vulva and vagina a proper eye.”

Even though she had hoped that the examination was over, she didn't really believe it. And she was also not surprised that her genitalia wouldn't be spared. So she tried to bolster herself by thinking that there would be an end. At some point they would be satisfied and let her leave this place. She didn't notice that in the meantime nurse Wilton got another instrument from wherever he gets them. Larissa remembered that Doctor Bryce asked for the preparation of two instruments before. “Something starting with spec, if I remember correctly.” she thought.

It seemed like the same movie was playing in front of Larissa, although this time the instrument's handle resembled more a gun's trigger while the part, which she assumed would go into her girly bits, was faintly reminiscent of a duck's bill. At the beginning, as just the instrument's tip was entering her, slightly parting the lips of her vulva, the feeling of being stretched was bearable.

Entering her vagina, it was on the verge of being painful, but when Doctor Bryce started pulling the handle, it turned into agony. Sweat was forming at her forehead and after what seemed like an eternity, the doctor pulled the instrument out of her genitalia, this time showing some mercy by closing it before.





Great work. It feels even more narrative!


I've improved lightning, shadows and quality too. The next pics will follow the same pattern