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Hello, how are you? It is a pleasure to have you with me all this time in Fanbox.

Lately I have received news about sites that are taking jobs that should be exclusive to you, downloading, and reselling without due authorization or respect on their platforms.

This is a recurring problem, since I started my campaign in Patreon. I want to warn that any work of mine outside of Pixiv or Booth is not posted with my authorization, featuring "theft".

Someone probably found himself entitled to: For paying 500 jpy monthly, to take these jobs and sell. A lack of respect for others who pay for that access and for the content creator.

I have already thought of countless possible solutions to end this, and all of them lead me on paths that I honestly do not want to take.

Raising prices, I think it is unfair, because it is a simple job and I want it to be accessible to those who cannot afford high costs. So the considerable amount of 500 jpy, which is less than 5 dollars a month to have access to both exclusive and uncensored content, or 300 JPY, less than 3 dollars, for limited access.

I thought about withdrawing the reward for works without censorship, meaning that the Bronze category would be removed not only from the Bronze package, but also from all other superior packages. Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum packages include (with discount) the price to have access to this content without censorship.

In this case, Bronze would be extinguished, the Iron category would remain for 300 jpy, Silver would go for 600jpy, Gold for 1100 jpy, Diamond for 1600 JPY and Platinum for 4600 jpy. This would also mean losing 70% of the sponsors, since the Bronze category is much higher than the others.

This campaign helps me a lot to have an acceptable financial life to live in my country, as you know and I do not hide it, I am Brazilian, and never in a job here would I be able to receive a salary compatible with what Fanbox offers me.

I put some options below, I would like you to give your opinions and if possible, vote. I would also like the person doing this to cancel their sponsorship, as I make it clear that 500 jpy does not give you the right to resell my work anywhere.

Explaining about the sharing rule: You can share what you have acquired here on this page, without any problem. As long as it is not entirely placed on a website, publicly or for resale. What you buy is yours, but for your personal use, to share there are other issues to consider.

Raising prices is not my goal, but I am really considering stop sharing uncensored work, where only the holder of packages with the possibility to order monthly images will have access to their uncensored content, also meaning a price reduction in their categories.

Leave your opinion, it helps a lot, and maybe together we find a solution.

When commenting, choose an option, or create a new one.

1: Don't worry Lasto, you should ignore this and continue the campaign as it is;

2: You should increase your prices;

3: You should maintain the campaign and limit access to uncensored content;

4: You should lower your prices and limit access to uncensored content;

5: Others...

Remembering that this only affects the Bronze package if any action is taken. I'm counting on your help. Thanks.



5: Others... I know we have talked about this before several times, but I still say you need to watermark the works so if they show up somewhere, your can notify the site host, which would get that person banned for copyright infringement. I see more and more artist that do this.


1: this is going to always happen to every good artist. You have talent and people want to see your work. They are bad for not paying but you cannot stop them because they will always find a way. So the best idea would be to include a watermark on all images which says "Original work of Lasto. If you downloaded this for free please consider supporting the artist for as little as $3 per month at pixiv fanbox [link]. The artist depends on income from this art to continue making this art. If you like this art and you want to see more original artwork from Lasto please support the artist with your 100% anonymous monthly donation of $3."


5. it’s worth entering a signature on the pictures / asking the fans the sites on which your content is posted (you can write a complaint to the domain / you can sue, but it takes a lot of time / try to write to the site administrator yourself, you can negotiate) / as an alternative to entering a subscription where posting is allowed on third-party sites.


1+5. I think it's a loosing battle to fight reposting. Once an image is semi-public, it will end up somewhere, especially if it's good, like your work is. Watermark is the only way to assert your work as yours. At least if people are interested, they will have an opportunity to find the source. It also allows you an opportunity to fight abuse if all the work ends up on a website, although I'm not sure that people who do these sort of things care much about theft and copyright law in the first place, but at least you would have a way to assert your claim. Raising prices could go either way: you could earn more but also earn less as not everyone from Bronze will be able to pay higher. You work is worth it but consider that many of us also support other artists and that we unfortunately have limited funds. You could maybe do something like a reduced resolution for bronze version, that could be an acceptable trade-off I guess, or have a couple more images from the same scenes.


Those damn russian sites have been a menace for years. they scrape the content off sites like lolicit (and all of the other sites that have been shutdown or defunct), ATF, pixiv, and patreons or subscribestars. They do so without a single solitary dime going to the creator. They are aggressive. They repackage content. I feel for you. I do think you are entitled to make a reasonable effort at fighting back.


#1, #3, I agree with furiousfap that reposting is a hard and losing battle to fight, however RESELLING is a crime and should be fought. If you watermarked or signed your work then other sites would face legal consequences for making a profit from your work. A few other artists I follow and sponsor make censored posts and send individual sponsor messages with the uncensored content link, with different links depending on the sponsor level - this makes bit of effort for you and sponsors but it limits general access. This wouldn't stop one of us sponsors from being a dickhead but it would make the dick easier to yell at.