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Thanks to everyone who voted on the poll and helped to add more sugestions to them

Thinking about the results and those who participated, I have decided to create a point system where you will earns the right to ask for a image.

If you think that will not work and have a better suggestion, you can comment below. I have decided this way because I think you need to be rewarded for your loyalty in some way.

As I can't create promos everytime, and when I create some of you can't participate because is absent, this way you can save your points and rescue them anytime you want.

Each 60 points you will have the right to ask for a image for free, without count on your tier or need to pay a comission, and this will works for everyone. So, every month you have pledged and continue to pledge, you will win points, the rules I will explain below.

But, how will you track the points Lasto? Don't worry, Fanbox gives you a Fan Card when you join, and this same card is avalable for me, so, I will need only to check your card and see how much time you have to count your points.

The points will be like this:

• Iron members: 5 points montly, meaning 1 image to ask each 12 months;

• Bronze members: 10 points montly, meaning 6 months to ask 1 image;

• Silver members: 15 points montly, meaning 4 months to plus 1 image;

• Gold: 20 points, meaning 3 months to plus 1 image;

• Diamond: 30 points, meaning each 2 months will plus 1 image.


> The maximum ammount to request images from points is 3 images, or 180 points;

> If you are'nt an active member on Fanbox, you can't request your points, but you will not lost them, They become active when you reactivate your FAN status;

> The old members will have the points from other months added, it means no one will start from 0;

> The images for this points are promotional, more details down.

Rules for the images:

> Can't depict mutilation, Scat or exageration in Blood (Because I don't have skill on this themes, Love Freedom For All <3)

> Can't have more than 2 models in scene or a very detailed background;

> Have a different Queue, meaning it's not a season request, but a promo request.

It don't mean no more promos will happen, I will lauch a promo next month for everyone in Brazil Carnaval Theme, but it is surprise ;) (no more)

If you need more info aboutt his, contact me ;)

If you have suggestions, contact me ;)