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Next week I will complete another year of life, December 12th.

I use to rest on December, as it is the last month of the year, including my birthday month.

I am working to deliver the comissions from customers, and some requests from supporters, so, it don't mean I am not working, but I am not working so hard like the other months.

Different from the last years, I will not duplicate rewards in exchange for a month to rest, I will took January and December for this, but continue work when I can.

So, requests continue opened for those that can request images, or comissions are available yet.

And if yopu want to send me a birthday gift, DM me, I will be very happy :3

Thanks everyone for your support.

I am updating the Request Guide for 2023, with more options available for you. Thanks ;)




Happy Birthday~~ Make sure to take care of yourself my friend!


happy bday! also hope there's a full picture of the three cuties above including their cute dicks and cunny. uwu