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The Godfather - Days Goes By

Dear Diary, this week has been very exciting. After several events, my mind has been opened to many adventures that I never imagined taking part in. Mr. Barbier called me at the school principal's office. Yes, he is the principal of our school. I could tell he was nervous, but I was more so. Afte...

Godfather: Stay calm, okay? I'll go slowly, anything you say, I'll stop.

Karl: Understood...

Karl was nervous. He had perverted dreams, and had had enough sexual adventures to believe he was ready for this. A moment that he knew would come at some point. After that there was no turning back, no matter what happened, he knew he had to go all the way.

The godfather then positioned his dick in Karl's ass. Karl began to pant harder. Nervousness was gripping him as he waited for the final moment.

Godafther: Stay calm...

Karl: I am calm...

It was going in. Slowly, he felt something hard piercing his body. But the sensation was not bad. It caused a certain discomfort, as if he couldn't breathe, but it wasn't bad. He just had to hold on a little longer, he wanted to experience this.

Karl: Oh... mmm...

Godfather: A little bit more...

Karl felt a huge boner at this moment. Now the gofather's cock was reaching a position that he liked. Just like the other times he had stuck things up his ass. He felt that the godfather was coming in the right spot.

Godfather: You're half way in... Can I continue?

Karl: Ah... yes...

Godfather: It's amazing how much the training has helped... but your ass is still tight... if it hurts, tell me...

Then he felt that the godfather had stopped. He knew, it was all inside him.

Godfather: It's done... you endured it all like a champion...

Karl: Hmmm...

Godfather: I think we can have sex without any problems... I was just going to put my dick in to get us started, but if you want, we can try the real thing...

Karl: I want ...

Godfather: Ok, I'll move slowly then, taking it out and putting it in again, to get your little ass used to it...

Karl: hihihi... make a coconut...

Godfather: Are you enjoying it?

Karl: Yes... it's so big... and hot...

Godfather: You naughty boy...

When the best man put his cock all the way inside Karl again, it was a different feeling. A warmth came over his waist, and Karl felt like he was going to lose consciousness any minute now.

When the best man put his cock all the way inside Karl again, it was a different feeling. A warmth came over his waist, and Karl felt like he was going to lose consciousness any minute now.

Karl: Ohhhh...

Godfather: All right there, partner?

Karl: Do it again... Ahnn.

And for a few minutes they stayed that way. The best man increased the speed, as he saw that Karl became more accustomed to the movement of his waist.

Before long, Karl was being fucked for real. The movements were now more intense, and you could hear the sound of the godfather's waist hitting his buttocks.

"Flap, Flap, Flap

And you could also hear Karl's moans. Not moans of pain. They were clearly moans of pleasure.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah..."

Karl was savoring the taste of sex. Not even in his most perverted dreams did he feel as much pleasure as he did today.

Godfather: Hot little boy... I was always afraid that you would find me strange... but since you became a pre-teen, a feeling was born inside me... uncontrollable...

Karl: Ah... Ah... Ah...

Godfather: You're so tasty... so tight...

Karl: Ah... Ah... Ah... it's coming...

"Flap, Flap, Flap

Godfather: Go ahead my little angel... Cum as much as you want...

It was coming. Karl's first real sex-related orgasm was coming... He felt like his dick was going to explode. It was burning, due to the anal massage that his godfather's big dick was giving him in his ass.

"Real sex" he thought. "With my godfather..."

And then it happened. The orgasm came...

Karl: Aahhhh... ahhhh...

He squirted at least three times. For the first time, his sperm came out almost white. It was not that artificial orgasm he had achieved while masturbating lost in his perverted thoughts. It was real orgasm, real cum, hot and plentiful.

Karl: I'm cumming... Oh... I am...

The godfather had increased the speed at which he was fucking Karl. He was also savoring the orgasm. The orgasm of fucking a tight ass. The tight little ass of his godson.

Karl felt something hot on his ass. But since the best man was wearing a condom, he only felt his penis contracting, as if something was sneezing inside him.

Karl: Ah... did you also... come?

Godfather: Hmmm... yes... oh...

Karl looked at his cock, hard and rigid, hanging from his waist. And oozing from the head, cum. Real sperm.

Karl: Yeah, I felt your dick twitching in my ass...

The godfather pulled his penis out of Karl's ass and showed it to him.

Godfather: Look, I've had a lot of fun too...

Karl: Your condom is full...

Godfather: If I had been without a condom, I would have come inside you, and now my sperm would probably be dripping out of your ass...

Karl: Looks like... disgusting... but I'd like to know what it's like...

Godfather: I don't think we will need a condom next time... your ass is already well trained...

Karl: Next time?

Godfather: Well... if you like...

Karl: Hahaha... I'll think about it...

Karl said he would think about it. But just the thought of imagining having sex again filled him with a hard-on. But he would like to experience that feeling again with someone else.

Later that day.

Mom: Did you have fun today, dear?

Later that day, Karl's mother, as usual, picked him up at his godfather's house after work.

Karl: Uhum.

Karl not answering like all the other days made Mom curious. In fact, Karl always commented on how much fun it had been to be with his godfather. Today he was lost in thought, staring at the street. Mom had noticed this.

Mom: What did you do that was so good that you don't want to tell me?

Karl: What?

He was surprised by the question.

Mom: Just kidding. It's just that you talk so much about how much fun you had at the godfather house, I thought it was strange that you were quiet today.

Karl: Oh... we... well... played video games... I'm just a little tired today, Mom...

Karl was remembering the conversation he had with his godfather, while they bathed to remove the traces of the forbidden sex they had had.

"I'm a big boy now, right?" - Karl said.

"Yes. But remember: Only have sex with whoever wants to have sex with you, or whoever you want to have sex with, ok?" - Said the Godfather.


That made him think of Mom. How she was always going a few steps ahead in their relationship. The same thing had happened with his godfather. From jokes that left him naked, to actual sex. It bothered him, he didn't want it to get to the same point with his mom. He couldn't see himself having sex with her, and besides, it didn't interest him. He would have to come clean tonight.

Over dinner, he thought of an approach. Mom always did the same routine, prepared dinner, and went to the shower to wait for Karl to join her. It would be during the bath that he would ask her to stop. He was afraid of hurting her, however. So he chose his words carefully. He decided if he would be direct, sincere, or not so clear.

He could tell Mom that him like boys, not girls. How would she react? Or lie, saying that it made her pee-pee hurt. No, that would probably end up in a medical room. What to do?

After dinner, he undressed, and went into the bathroom to meet her. He had to say.

Mom: Did you finish your dinner?

Karl: Yes...

That was a lie. He couldn't eat while he was deciding what to say.

Mom: Okay, the bath is ready.

And so Karl tried to say what he felt. But he had no impulse to do so. Things were happening, and the mother was already licking his dick.

Karl: Mom, I have to

"Slurp, Slurp"

She kissed Karl's balls. The feeling, Karl couldn't deny, was good.

Karl: Mom... Ah... we have...

Mom was now sucking Karl's cock. And sucking like never before. She was excited to do that.

Karl let her continue. He didn't want to break the mood. Maybe that would make Mom sad. But he was already starting to feel the urge to pee, and that meant that cum was coming.

Karl: Ah... mom... I think it's good... ah... you take your mouth off...

Mom didn't answer. Instead, she kept sucking harder and faster. Karl realized that no matter what he did, she would not stop. He was going to get her mouth dirty...

Karl: Mom!!!

It was already too late. Karl was cumming. Only something strange was happening. I could feel that almost nothing came out of his dick, it only contracted in excitement. Of course, he had already ejaculated gallons earlier. There was nothing more that his body could expel. This comforted him, at least he wouldn't get his mommy so dirty.

They went to the couch after their bath. Mom stroked her little body and put her mother inside her panties. Karl had not been able to say what he wanted, but this was the moment. He couldn't wait any longer.

Karl: Mom...

Mom: Yes, dear?

Karl: Can you take your hand away?

Mom laughed.

Mom: Are you embarrassed? Hahahaha...

Karl: No... I don't want you to do that again... ever...

Mom took her hand away, bewildered. Karl was worried, disappointment was clearly visible on her face. But in reality she was worried, something he could not see. She was afraid that she had abused her son's good will too much. She became nervous.

Mom: Have I done something wrong, dear?

Karl: No... I'm sorry, it's just... I don't want this to evolve, you know?

Mom: Um... I get it. - Now she was calmer, and surprised by how mature Karl seemed.

Karl: I know that relationships like this tend to evolve into bigger things, and I don't feel comfortable with that... I love you, but this more intimate relationship I would like to have with people other than you. Not that I don't like it, it's good, but we have to stop...

Mama: I understand perfectly, baby. You're the boss. We can only do these kinds of things with people we really want to. I'm sorry I didn't ask you that.

Karl: No problem.

Mommy: So, that means you're interested in someone. Will you tell Mom who the lucky girl is?

Karl: Mom!

Mom: Don't be ashamed, son. Tell me who she is, hahaha....

Karl: Mom... there's no girl...

Mom: Oh... I get it... it doesn't matter, I love you no matter what...

Mom kissed Karl on the cheek. The two were settled.

Karl: By the way, can I go with Meryon on a candy hunt on Halloween?

Mom gave a smile, as if she understood everything now. She deep down always knew, anyway. Her son is gay. And that made her happy, because she loved him, unconditionally.

Mom: Of course, dear. And you know what? I'm going to work at night on Halloween. Maybe he'll come here and keep you company...

Karl: Great...




Excellent narrative, mature, real. 💙