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The Godfather - Sexual Education

Our characters are on another school day. And today is special. For some reason the boys have been separated from the girls. The Teacher would soon explain to them. Teacher: Good morning, children. Boys: Good morning teacher. Roberto: Teacher, why aren't the girls here today? Teacher: Today is a ...

The boys undressed in order to complete the practical sex education lesson. Nudity in a group was not a problem for them, after all, they showered together after gym class.

Roberto: My dick is getting hard just imagining the feeling, hahahahahaha...

Teacher: Just a moment boys, I'm getting the additional dolls.

Teacher: Holy shit... they sent a male doll by accident. Well, not that it is not normal within the sex class, but I believe we will not touch this topic today.

Malcom: What topic sir?

Teacher: Homosexuality, Malcom. We will cover that another day. For now, Karl, could you take our friend to the back of the room?

Karl, at the teacher's request, picked up the puppet on his lap, and took it to the back of the classroom. The puppet was very heavy, which caused some discomfort. At the same time, it looked so real, it had the same softness as human skin.

Karl got off balance, and ended up knocking over the dummy, which fell into the chair in a very awkward position. At least for Karl.

Karl: Oh my God... You are heavy hehehe...

Karl decided to catch his breath a little while he recovered.

In this way, he noticed the position in which the dummy had stood, which brought back to him the memory of the pool, with the Barbier. It even brought him a certain excitement to remember this moment.

He looked at his classmates, they were having fun having sex with their dolls. The teacher had given condoms to everyone who was going to take the practical lesson, so they wouldn't get the inside of the dolls dirty. But Karl had forgotten to get a condom.

Roberto: Anh... Anh.... I'm going to cum... before you do... Malcom

Malcom: I couldn't care less... ouhh... I just want to finish here hahahaha...

Kyle and Eduardo were busy with their practice class, and Lasto seemed to have disappeared from the classroom. The teacher was writing something down in his notebook, so... There was no one looking...

Meryon: Come on Karl, put your dick in my ass I know you want it...

Karl had a vision of Meryon, in the position of the doll. Excitement took over his body, his cock was hard and rigid almost instantly. No one was looking. It was the perfect opportunity.

Karl: Of course Meryon... I'll do that...

To be continued...



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