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The Godfather - Be Free, Be Naked

Karl: Hey, where's your bathing suit? Meryon: I don't use it anymore. Now I stay like this at home, like me coming into the world! Meryon showed off his little naked body. Karl: But you're naked in front of a girl! Helen: It's no problem Karl. Karl: It's just that girls are different, right? Mom ...

Meryon: Got you!

Karl and Meryon were still in the pool, and they were playing tag.

Meryon: Now it's your turn to catch me!

Karl: Hahahaha, okay. I'll count to 3!

Karl: To 3!

Meryon: Hey, you didn't counted! Hahahahaha, that's not fair! Your cheater!

This phrase brought back memories of the games in Karl's head. Secrets he practiced with his godfather. That was a trigger to try the same joke with Meryon.

Me, a cheater? I'll show you now, you rascal!

Meryon: I'll run away!

Meryon tried to leave the pool, but was stopped by Karl.

Karl: Come back here hahahaha! You won't run away!

Meryon: Oh no, you trapped me hahahahahaha!

Karl: Now you will be punished!

Meryon: Punished?

Meryon: Yes, for being such a bad boy!

Neither of them noticed, but involuntarily, Karl had gotten aroused, and his cock had embedded itself in Meryon's buttocks.

Karl: You called me a cheater. That's really ugly, hahahahaha!

Meryon: What are you going to do? Cheater! hahahahahaha

Karl: Tickle attack!!!!

Meryon: Hahahahahahahahaha

Karl: Ask sorry, then I stop!

Meryon: No hahahahahaha! You cheater hahahahahaha!

Karl: Oh, so it's like that then? Alright, now I'm going to tickle here...

And he directed his hand to Meryon's dick. He held that little soft treasure.

Meryon: What?

Karl was really excited to be able to pet Meryon down there. So much so that he lost track of what he was doing, and his hips began to move so that his cock was stimulated by Meryon's buttocks, a very pleasurable feeling.

Meryon: Karl...are you by any chance jerking me off and having fake sex with my ass?

Karl: Hmm?

Karl had woken up from his trance, and saw that he had gone too far.

Karl: Oh no, I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean to...

Meryon: Calm down boy hahahaha, it's no problem.

Karl: How do you know what masturbation and sex are?

Meryon: I...a long story...yeah, your dick is pretty hard...

Karl: It happens sometimes, but nothing to do with...well...you...

In fact it was, but he was so ashamed. He was afraid Meryon would think less of him if he was honest.

Karl: It's usually just me masturbating that passes...I was rubbing myself because it felt good...you know...It felt like I was masturbating...Sorry...

Meryon: Sorry? Look, I'm your friend! if you need help to feel pleasure, I'll help you.

Karl: What do you mean?

Meryon: I know a trick that will make you feel really good, and make your dick go soft again.

Karl: Oh yeah? What is it?

Meryon: Real sex!

Karl: What?

Meryon: It's okay, come on! Put your dick in my ass!



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