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fanbox post: creator/28189755/post/1946633

Daddy: Good morning, my babies. While mommy is preparing breakfast, we are going to save a few more moments between dad and children.

Hellen: What are we going to do today, Daddy?

Daddy: Something very important. You are going to help Daddy be very happy.

Daddy: Hold my dick for starters.

Meryon: Your dick is so hard, it's like a baseball bat...

Hellen: It's just like yours, little brother. Do you remember it?

Meryon: Yes, but Daddy's is huge!

Daddy: Are you scared, Meryon?

Meryon: He's a little... aggressive to my eyes... I've never seen your cock so hard...

Daddy: Why don't you give him a little kiss, then you'll see that there's nothing to worry about.


Hellen: I thought you were going to ask us to suck it, Daddy

Daddy: Wow, princess... since you brought it up, I would be very grateful...

Hellen immediately began to suck daddy's cock affectionately.

Meryon: Looks like someone will have sausage for breakfast....

Daddy: Hellen... Why are you stroking your pussy?

Daddy knew Hellen was masturbating. It was the first time he had witnessed this.

Hellen: It's because... I feel... strange daddy.

Daddy: That's probably because your little body is ready to feel... pleasure.

Hellen: Yes, that's what I feel when I caress myself...

Daddy: Okay... Meryon, get the camera and take the pictures now. Hellen, sit on my cock.

Daddy: You can take off your tank top if it's more comfortable...

Hellen: Daddy, I'm worried, what should we do?

Daddy: Don't worry, baby... Nothing much will happen. I know what you're thinking, but I just want you to move your waist around my cock, back and forth.

Hellen: Will that feel good?

Daddy: Do it, and tell me what you think...

Hellen: Hmmm, that's... good... wow...

Daddy: You see how good it is?

Meryon: What are you feeling?

Hellen: I don't know how to... explain... ah.... I just know it feels good.... you should try it...

Daddy: I don't think Meryon would feel the same way, honey...

Hellen: Daddy... I'm feeling ... something ... I've never felt ... ahhh

Dad: Go on, that means you're doing it right...

Meryon: Why is she moaning?

Dad: It's because she's feeling good?

Meryon: I thought she was in pain ....

Hellen: Annnnhhh ... Daddy... I'm peeing... Mmmmm ...

Dad: Oh my little girl ... you're coming for the first time ... what an honor ...

Meryon: Daddy, what is cumming?

Dad: When our sexual organs are stimulated, Meryon, we come. It is the climax of pleasure...

Meryon: Can you come too?

Dad: Yes, and how ....

Meryon: Can you show me?

Dad: Okay, are you ready?

Meryon-Hellen: YES!

Dad: Open... your mouth... um... it's coming...

Dad: Ohh, yes....

Meryon: Wow, that's hot!

Hellen: That looks like buttermilk, interesting...

To be continued...

Translated with DeepL





Amazing. I love it, so naughty and the kids are so cute and having so much fun.


They are such a sweet and loving family.