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I don't know if it is happening to someone, but some of the FAN's and me are having problems when need to ask for library access.

And when I try to send them the Pixiv Request for the library I have the same problem.

If you are a Fan and are not having success in send message for me or request "My Píxiv" for library access, comment below and we will find another way to comunicate and send you the content.

Thanks ;)





Não sei se isso está acontecendo com alguém, mas alguns dos FANs e eu estamos tendo problemas quando precisamos solicitar acesso à biblioteca.

E quando tento enviar o Pedido Pixiv para a biblioteca tenho o mesmo problema.

Se você é Torcedor e não está tendo sucesso em mandar mensagem para mim ou solicitar "Meu Píxiv" para acesso à biblioteca, comente abaixo e encontraremos outra forma de comunicar e enviar o conteúdo.

Obrigado ;)

[traduzido/translated/翻訳済み by Google Translate]



i have am have problem Dragonfish35


Hi Lasto! Yes, I can't get it with "My Pixiv" and writes an error that the message must be 10 to 10,000 characters. And even when I typed a long message, it still gave this error ... :-(


I also cant Open the Library


Hello xboy. If you are a Silver member or above, just click on Original File in the post to see how access the library.


I do not have access to the library I am a member of Palladiom