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This is the request Queue for May.

If your solicitation is not in this list, please contact me until 20th May and I will add. Make sure if you are from a tier who can request images and how much you can request montly or have saved.

Request Status: Queued

Description: I love what you did with the shower series for me. I just request a continuation with more poses and such

Request Status: Queued

Descritpion: #1 I would like to see twins, brother and sister, both smothered to death. The brother is already dead, lying on the bed with the pillow over his face, with an erection he acquired dying.

#2 The sister is lying beside him, struggling to breath while the man shoves the pillow in her face and fingers her with his other hand.

#3 the last scene they are both lying there dead with the pillows over their faces and the guy is spurting over their bodies.

Emphasis on dead feet, legs and hips. Feel free to improvise. Pillow suffocation is my all time favorite.

Request Status: Queued

Description: 5 images for Basement Party Series

Request Status: Queued

Descritpion: Tarz and Grace Love set (At least 3 images)

Request Status: Queued

Description: Mommy Playtoy Images (3) - Lesbian

Request Status: Queued

Description: I would love to see Duke sharing an intimate shower with his dad, giving dad a blowjob and if you did an alternate version of the pic, dad peeing in his mouth

Request Status: Queued

Description: Anyway I would like to see two boys after playing all day Black Widow boys would do come in all smelly play down one of them lay down on the couch and the other one sitting up with the other boys feet in his lap watching movie the one laying down falls asleep the other one with his feet sucked or there was his feet and get aroused and start playing with them and one thing leads to the next I'd like to see that

I need to slow down when typing my phone changes it when I misspelled it my bad I hope you understood most of that

Request Status: Queued

Description: Reserved for Smooy, will be updated later

Series Like Forbidden Angels, Vacation of Delights, Doctor's Play, Momo's Adventures are not described here because they are Premium or Private series.



Definitely a nice roster. Can't wait to see them in action!