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*首輪の描写が抜けていた画像を修正しました🙇 *Corrected an image that was missing the depiction of the collar.🙇 首輪をつけてスーツおじさんと2ショット撮影です 少し虐める予定なので下準備ついでの雰囲気紹介って感じですね ボンデージ衣装は趣味で着せたおまけ差分になります🤤




おお〜! 続きが楽しみすぎます! いつも素晴らしい作品をありがとうございます。m(_ _)m


The chain in pictures 9 to 12 is very strange


ありがとうございます😀 単発ものになる予定ですがしっかり虐めたいと思います🤤 こちらこそいつもご支援感謝ですっ🙇




続きが気になるっ… 男を責める側も男に責められる側もこなす万能人… Marugaogaski様がCG集を発売する時が来たら、是非S嬢バージョンとM嬢バージョンを発売して欲しいです(笑 両方買います!


ありがとうございます😀 来週ぐらいには続きを上げられるかと思います🙂


ありがとうございます😀 責められる快感を知っているからこそ上手に(?)責めることが出来るってやつですね😎 CG集はまだまだノープランな状態ですがもし出すときは分けた方がいいかもですね笑 購入宣言までありがとうございます🙇


Question, why do some pedo artists use "all characters are above 18" disclaimers? At first I thought it was a Pixiv policy, but other artists (like yourself) are honest about being paedophiles. I love simulated/artificial child porn and I think it would be better if more artists were honest about their art being child porn.


In Japan, where pixiv is located, there is no law against fictional child pornography yet, but it is often a controversial issue. In the past, there has been a lot of criticism, and some have voluntarily quit selling or publishing. (Although it was not illegal.)🤔 In order to avoid such a situation, a culture of using spell-like notation was born.😂 There are also many reasons for this, such as to keep up appearances. Japan has fewer restrictions on child pornography than any other country in the world, but it is not so commonplace that it can be publicly declared as a moral issue. It may sound absurd, but even if a child looks like a child, it is imaginary, and by writing "18 years old or older", we can avoid many kinds of restrictions.


Thank you for the explanation, it has been very insightful. I hope that one day the negative stigma surrounding paedophiles will be gone and we can be open about it. But sadly that day is a very long ways away. People would rather assume all paedophiles are monsters than take the time to be understanding.