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ああいいっすね、この表情最高です! こっち見つめてるのもいいですねぇ、めちゃかわいいです なんかエクセルの関数凡ミスしてて怒られてる感じがしますw




ありがとうございます 視線が合ってると印象が大きく変わるので目線は大事なポイントですね('ω' きっと罵詈雑言浴びせられてるんでしょう(笑)


間違えてましたーΣ('ω' このミスよくやるんですよね・・・ ご指摘ありがとうございます。修正しておきました('ω')ノ

S. Kane

She is just too cute. It's almost like she enjoys doing this to him, like she's been trained since she was born to enjoy a nice meaty cock. She's been corrupted, unfortunately. And one night, after a long day out, she'll be sleeping in the car and he will pick her up and carry her to bed, but as he lays her down, she opens her eyes, staring into his. She doesn't let him go, she holds onto him tighter, bringing him closer to her and she gently kisses his mouth, meeting her tiny little tongue with his. She wants her good night kiss, she wants him to stretch her little pussy one last time that day so she can fall asleep with a belly full of sperm and a faint aching pain between her legs to remind her how big her daddy is. Cum dripping from between her thighs, she falls asleep into her sweet dreams in the arms of her satisfied lover.