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this already 2 days desu

due to Sore throat and now I got some fever desu

I already try to prevent this as much as I can by use slat and drink water desu

but look like sore throat almost gone but fever come up instead desu

I have no energy to sit desu

I will take a break for now desu

hope tomorrow I will heal back to normal desu

if not I might need to see the doctor desu

I will be sure to not be late for secret part desu

that mean this week will have no any progress desu




Take as much time as you need, and don't worry about being late for posting on here, your health is far more important.


Hope you get well soon 🙏❤️


Health is the most important,take enough rest,we will look forward a healthy you to bring us excellent works.ゆっくり休んでください,頑張って!


take care'f yourself


You deserve a break. Get well Desu


お疲れ様です、ごゆっくり( ^ω^)


look like I not feel cold anymore ,desu I will go back to work now desu


Please make sure to visit doctor just in case! Due to situation right now in the world - it's always best to check the doctor even if you feel a little bit ill.


recently I feel like Hospital is full of zombies desu, that why this really hard choice. but thanks for recommend desu