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がんばりまつ !




This is gonna be weird but, I really like the way you handle panties in your art, always looks so good. Keep it up, please.


today I gonna go out to play soccer at filed [to workout ] a bit early desu . after taking a rest yesterday my body no longer have any muscle pain desu . I gonna show them my true power desu ! I have been taking it easy for a week now because my body still in the sleeping state desu , this time I feel like my limit wider up a lot from last week desu. [do not worry I will make sure to play safe desu that also one of my responsibility on work that I have to keep desu] . there are a lot of good player that why I do not want to let them down on the filed desu ! [by the way I play defend desu]


yo must say for thank you soo hot , , have s nice time 💪🏻😁