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[why i want my lazy brother so much to be on the team]
some of u guys might experience this type of person before
sometimes lazy mean to not do anything unnecessary
and sometimes it can be instinct
to live by find the easy way or shortcut for living desu

i want his mind to focus on this project
but he always get away
he always live without doing anything
the secret of this guy technique is
[scammer] desu
he always talk good
always make people around him feel sorry for him
but i only one in the family or maybe in this town that can see
what this guy can do from the prove from the fact
he have everything from not doing anything

and that also the reason why if i have him in the team
i believe that he will be our main player on the project desu

this is where everything's start desu
he only come to join me for the credit
credit to buy everyone heart in the family
and leave when things get too much effort

maybe thanks to him thanks to that skill he use on me all the time
i become dull to the moral
dull to the common sense
i only see the fact from the prove from the evidence
other than that is just like illusion to me desu
he is good person
but i only one who see how evil this guy is

and that maybe the reason
that why people around me hate me and see me as evil desu

the reason i bring this up
because i have discuss some problems in the team
about [moral that can not go with the business]
I try to be good guys
but sometimes it impossible for me desu
my brother or Satanel-san or Hentaitalia-san
they would have a lot more moral than me desu
that why i want them in the team to help me make the
better decision desu.

all the plan all the decision i will do my best on this part too




feel so sleepy desu . after eat that shrimp too much it always feel sleepy desu